Cobra Gaming
Hi, I am posting this to see if I can finds Crew of about 5 (My friend and I included) . I am 16 and and just made a YouTube channel and was Hopi g to post videos of GMod, L4D2 and other games in the future.
- YouTube account doesn't matter how many subs
- Decent PC
- Around 16
- Remember only 3 will be chosen so first come, first serve.
So responses mus have:
- Steam Name
- A little about yourself age, etc. (Nothing Personal)
I will check every day.
- YouTube account doesn't matter how many subs
- Decent PC
- Around 16
- Remember only 3 will be chosen so first come, first serve.
So responses mus have:
- Steam Name
- A little about yourself age, etc. (Nothing Personal)
I will check every day.