New Member
Hi! If you're a youtuber you know that you will need such things as logos and banners to stand out, if you can't make them look good just ask me. I will make banners and logos and such entirely for free, fill out the list down below so I know what to make. But make sure to give me credit in a video or something. 
What do you want?
1.What type simplistic, gaming (what game(s) ),other
2.what is your channel name
3.what do you want me to write in the banner? Name, motto, other
4.do you want me to add logos and username for: Instagram, facebook, twitter, other
5. Optional! Any referens pictures for me?
1. Channel name
2. Cartoon simplistic other
3. Motto
4. Crcular, square other
5. Any particular color
something else?
Here or some of the things I have created

What do you want?
1.What type simplistic, gaming (what game(s) ),other
2.what is your channel name
3.what do you want me to write in the banner? Name, motto, other
4.do you want me to add logos and username for: Instagram, facebook, twitter, other
5. Optional! Any referens pictures for me?
1. Channel name
2. Cartoon simplistic other
3. Motto
4. Crcular, square other
5. Any particular color
something else?
Here or some of the things I have created