Hi. I'm just starting out with my channel. I honestly don't even have any videos yet, but that's because I want this channel to be the best it can be. I strongly dislike disorganization, so that's why I've created this thread. I'm not the best with graphic design, and would love for someone to create an intro for my videos. I was born in the winter, so my channel already has a bit of a wintery theme. (You can tell by my channel art. That wasn't for the holidays, that was just for me, as I don't celebrate Christmas, or Hannukah or anything like that.) Think you can make something for me? I wanted it to play in with some of the music I want to put for it, so a soundless intro would be nice. Think Alina Baraz Tainted for the song. I wanted, for the intro itself, something wintery themed, with like snow or something similar. Perhaps it could be falling, or like a breeze or trail of snowflakes or a snowlike effect which reveals my name, Suxela, in a font similar to the one used on my banner.