Request Need a Free YouTube Intro


Hi. I'm just starting out with my channel. I honestly don't even have any videos yet, but that's because I want this channel to be the best it can be. I strongly dislike disorganization, so that's why I've created this thread. I'm not the best with graphic design, and would love for someone to create an intro for my videos. I was born in the winter, so my channel already has a bit of a wintery theme. (You can tell by my channel art. That wasn't for the holidays, that was just for me, as I don't celebrate Christmas, or Hannukah or anything like that.) Think you can make something for me? I wanted it to play in with some of the music I want to put for it, so a soundless intro would be nice. Think Alina Baraz Tainted for the song. I wanted, for the intro itself, something wintery themed, with like snow or something similar. Perhaps it could be falling, or like a breeze or trail of snowflakes or a snowlike effect which reveals my name, Suxela, in a font similar to the one used on my banner.
If no one replies I will recommend you Google: Panzoid Is a cool website where you can find tons of Intros... That's the place I used first to get my old intro and I'm still using an outro from there. You can choose the template you want and then modify it with your name and all that. Seems weird in the beginning but if you understand the basics should take you like 10 minutes. After that you can just download your intro.
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If no one replies I will recommend you Google: Panzoid Is a cool website where you can find tons of Intros... That's the place I used first to get my old intro and I'm still using an outro from there. You can choose the template you want and then modify it with your name and all that. Seems weird in the beginning but if you understand the basic should take you like 10 minutes. After that you can just download your intro.
Thank you very much for the information. I'll look into that.
Hi. I'm just starting out with my channel. I honestly don't even have any videos yet, but that's because I want this channel to be the best it can be. I strongly dislike disorganization, so that's why I've created this thread. I'm not the best with graphic design, and would love for someone to create an intro for my videos. I was born in the winter, so my channel already has a bit of a wintery theme. (You can tell by my channel art. That wasn't for the holidays, that was just for me, as I don't celebrate Christmas, or Hannukah or anything like that.) Think you can make something for me? I wanted it to play in with some of the music I want to put for it, so a soundless intro would be nice. Think Alina Baraz Tainted for the song. I wanted, for the intro itself, something wintery themed, with like snow or something similar. Perhaps it could be falling, or like a breeze or trail of snowflakes or a snowlike effect which reveals my name, Suxela, in a font similar to the one used on my banner.

I do music intros and outros. I would be glad to make one for you if you like
I would love it if you could. Do you think you could show me some of your work?

sure let me PM you, sincei cant poste them

EDIT: I had to email them to you, because I can't pm you yet :/
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sure let me PM you, sincei cant poste them

EDIT: I had to email them to you, because I can't pm you yet :/

I apologize for my inactivity. life has been a bit crazy. I'm checking my email now!

Edit: I don't see your email, unfortunately.
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