Merlina Rodas

I've Got It
hey y'all
I recorded a video today, finished editing and when I rewatched it, I started to notice the camera work was not as good as I thought it was. Angles were off, certain things were cut out a bit, and I reaaally just want to rerecord it... but then i don't. It would put me behind schedule and since it's a recipe video, I'd have to make another mess in my kitchen lol
And the camera work isn't terrible, just not as good as I'd like it to be.

What do you guys recommend here? What do you do in a situation like this; rerecord and hope I can make a better recording this time or just post it as is?
For me, still, every video is an experiment and a learning experience.. Upload what you have and learn from it.. Be sure to watch it before you make your next video and make notes on what you want to improve on - then, improve on it!
Love this way of looking at it, taking each video as a learning experience

Thank you for this response!
I would upload it as well. I think that when you are in the beginning stage, it is more important to put out videos than to obsess about perfection. I find that overthinking things can be more harmful than good some times.
I would upload it as well. I think that when you are in the beginning stage, it is more important to put out videos than to obsess about perfection. I find that overthinking things can be more harmful than good some times.

I find that to be very true... I've noticed that I tend to strive for "perfection", all the while knowing that perfection isn't possible.. especially as a beginner with limited equipment haha

I will post the video tomorrow, thank you for the advice!