My First Hater Comment!

Well it's still interaction to your video which youtube likes. I think your options are, ignore it, delete it, report it, or block them; which ever fits the particular comment/person. I figure once I finally get a real hate comment I'll celebrate by grabbing some ice cream or something since it's technically still a milestone in the youtube journey ;)
ignore the comment, but if 1 comment has got you this upset id consider disabling comments. bigger youtubers get soooooooooo much hate, you need a thick skin to be a youtuber
Well it's still interaction to your video which youtube likes. I think your options are, ignore it, delete it, report it, or block them; which ever fits the particular comment/person. I figure once I finally get a real hate comment I'll celebrate by grabbing some ice cream or something since it's technically still a milestone in the youtube journey ;)

I like this plan... Worst case scenario- at least you had ice cream =]
I wouldn't make a video on it doesn't server a purpose to do so,useful constructive crit is great for channels as it will help you grow as a youtuber and most times your viewers can spot tips on improvement as there can see a different angel , but if its just hateful dislikes just trolling don't give it room to grow
Whenever I get them (and I'm looking forward to it) I will make an entire video for each one bashing and destroying the hater to the best of my ability. It gives them attention, but not in a good way. That's how I roll.
Congrats on your first hate comment! It means you are doing something right!

I would just delete the comment... and think nothing of it again :D