My First Hater Comment!

When you get a hateful comment it means you hit a nerve of truth or jealousy. If they didn't like a video because it was boring they would just leave. But you got them reply. So it means you got them to reflect on themselves and they didn't like it. Simple. Anyway keep it up
So I just checked this guy's channel out. He is a "gaming" channel and he talks like a 3 year old...he made a video specifically to address Asians. He says "YOUTUBE PROMOTES ASIANS" I think someone is jealous.[DOUBLEPOST=1468146253,1468146154][/DOUBLEPOST]He goes on to say "Asians are trying to force their culture on us, that's why we need a strong white leader to kick them all out." This guy is a serious racist. What a f*cked up mind he has.
Yea I just saw that this guy is really creepy damn.,,[DOUBLEPOST=1468214531][/DOUBLEPOST]
yes, it is always up to you what you do with haters. Maybe your way will help your hater and change him to like and understand what you do :)
Maybe :)[DOUBLEPOST=1468214551][/DOUBLEPOST]
Moved this to the main forum for you. :)

Just ignore them IMO unless your channel is about being provocative - in that case, reply and try to annoy them even more. ^^
Lol thanks for the support![DOUBLEPOST=1468214610][/DOUBLEPOST]
Which hater comment? I don't see it >_< the one that says why you always look sleepy? but besides that, IMO who cares about them, just keep doing what you do.
Oh yea you might not be able to see it but its in my video! He replied to himself and because of that sometimes you cant see it in the comment section
Yea I just saw that this guy is really creepy damn.,,[DOUBLEPOST=1468214531][/DOUBLEPOST]
Maybe :)[DOUBLEPOST=1468214551][/DOUBLEPOST]
Lol thanks for the support![DOUBLEPOST=1468214610][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh yea you might not be able to see it but its in my video! He replied to himself and because of that sometimes you cant see it in the comment section
Yeah for real you don't want to mess with this guy, I think he's mentally unstable lol. Just block him asap.
I've had maybe 2 strange comments where they come on my channel and comment on a video about reviewing a laptop with something like, "I'm going to kill you". Which makes no sense. I just block them from making comments on my videos and don't reply.
It's a funny thing with being a youtuber, it is bound to happen at some point and when it now happens with me I ignore it, block and move on. A hater wants you to react because that is what they thrive on. If they don't see you react then they get bored and move on. At first when I got hate comments they would eat me up but when you've been making videos for as long as I have you become immune to the feeling of them.
So I just checked this guy's channel out. He is a "gaming" channel and he talks like a 3 year old...he made a video specifically to address Asians. He says "YOUTUBE PROMOTES ASIANS" I think someone is jealous.[DOUBLEPOST=1468146253,1468146154][/DOUBLEPOST]He goes on to say "Asians are trying to force their culture on us, that's why we need a strong white leader to kick them all out." This guy is a serious racist. What a f*cked up mind he has.

Holy crap, what an asshat[DOUBLEPOST=1468247117][/DOUBLEPOST]
I've had maybe 2 strange comments where they come on my channel and comment on a video about reviewing a laptop with something like, "I'm going to kill you". Which makes no sense. I just block them from making comments on my videos and don't reply.

Death threats over reviewing something?! Jeez...
I've had maybe 2 strange comments where they come on my channel and comment on a video about reviewing a laptop with something like, "I'm going to kill you". Which makes no sense. I just block them from making comments on my videos and don't reply.
Right lol, like especially for your videos cause your just reviewing laptops... idk its kind of messed up but we just gotta keep on moving forward![DOUBLEPOST=1468279095,1468278991][/DOUBLEPOST]
It's a funny thing with being a youtuber, it is bound to happen at some point and when it now happens with me I ignore it, block and move on. A hater wants you to react because that is what they thrive on. If they don't see you react then they get bored and move on. At first when I got hate comments they would eat me up but when you've been making videos for as long as I have you become immune to the feeling of them.
Right, we all knew the day we started youtube that hater comments will happen. But idk, I just want my video to help those youtubers out so that they wont listen to the hater comments and be discouraged!
im not sure if i would make a video about them, that would just get them exposure and attention, which is what they are seeking. In my opinion, the best way to deal with haters is by ignoring their comments, and if it gets to be too annoying and hes spamming the comments section and such, you can ban him from your channel. Also, the larger your channel grows, its inevitable that you will get more haters, and you cant make a video for all of them. Geesh i went on a rant, sorry xd

I agree, just take the high road and ignore it. I know that can be easier said that done. But, to be successful as a YoTuber it is necessary to have thick skin. It annoys them more when you act like you couldn't care less:D
I always have thought that it's great to have friends and to have as many likes and subs as you want.

It is when you get a real hater that you know you're doing something right.

Why is that?

Most of the people that don't like your video, just close it and done. You're out of their lives. While if someone, that maybe has something better to do, maybe not, comment something negative, it means you're doing something they would probably want themselves to do.

Why would someone post anything if it's not jealousy? Why would someone really waste their time?

I say you're doing something right and let the haters hate. If it annoys you, there's always blocking and banning, but whatever the case, just see it in the bright side. :)