
I closed the first account before I tried to open the second account on there :/ I got an email and everything saying that account was canceled.
Its just typical though :([DOUBLEPOST=1471103173,1471102928][/DOUBLEPOST]The new account when I try to log into adsense comes up with
Account Not Active
An AdSense account does not exist for this login, as your application is currently in review. Within a week of your application date, we'll review your application and follow-up with you via email. Once you are approved to join AdSense, you'll be able to log in to your account and get started.

could this be the reason ? or is there just no point bothering :/
Hmm..That mesagge clearly states that your account is curently waiting approving.It could be just they taking a little longer before they approve your second adsense again. FOr some peopels usualy takes up to two weeks,so I would advice you to wait a little and checking that email from new adsense to see if some email form them arrive. Also I would highly advice you to read Adsense ToS,cuz you will know exaclty what is forbidden and what is not. I can only say that Google really rare forgives,and usually everything is automatic. Long time ago I lost my first channel with 110+k susbcribers beacuse someone constaly stolen my videos so I decided to take them down.At taht time I didnt know youtube ToS well,so I used DMCA take down form twice in 24 hours,which is stricly forbbiden in youtube ToS and I didnt know that.They taken down my channel automaticly when I clicked that send button on second form.No reason ,no nothing.that was like 3 years ago they never returned that channel to me,cuz they dont care.I complained million times explain my msitake ,but always waht I got was generic emails and stuff but nothing more. So I give you this example to know before you do anything,first read that Adsense ToS in that time you wait.If the situation stays the same.Then you need to pray and contact Adsense Support team,but I gave hint above,It will be so hard to do anything,and you need to be lucky in order to restore your account back. If the worst happens,dont delete your channel,firstly download all your videos from that channel and make new one. Start uploading on new chanel same videos,leave some annotations on old channel forwarding people to new channel so they know how to find you and plus you can make one last video explaing that you will move to another channel.On new channel dont try to make adsense or anything realted to that.Your only solution will be to join network and only networks.That kidna sucks I know.But if worst happens be preppred.For Now jsut wait and read taht ToS (Terms Of Service) And if any email arrives or any word for them update us here,so we can see what happens next.

PS: SOrry for all this,but you can learn one or two things from that also :) :p
I'm very lucky as they have given it back to me :3 not sure what I did in the first place as they haven't told me but iv sorted out my adsense now anyways, but I hope this thread helps others not make a similar mistake
Nice :) That very awesome to hear..They probablly only took a little more time to sort things out for you :) Well everything worked fine then in your case,I am really glad to hear that :) Yes someone new who read this thread could learn thing or two :)

PS: So everything is fine now? You monetized yor vids normaly? (EDIT: I just checked your videos are indeed monetized with you adsense ID,so I gues this question dosent make sense now) Anyway Just to remind you again,if you ever open another channel that you want to link with adsense again,please DONT make another one :p Now taht you have new adsense you only use that one for every channel you want to connect,meaning when you open monetization on new channel it will ask you would make new adsense account OR use existing one.You click use existing one and then you will link same adsesne to another channel and from there money will go to same adsense at the end of month.Please remeber that :p