Massive drop in views on kid channels

I just want to know some conspiracy theories as to why this is really happening.
Much like the doctors around the round table with a lung transplant patient, claiming it was Vaping, has nothing to do with big Tobacco. (new news story seen on TV).
There is something going on behind the scenes. Someone has cashed into some sort of stock, some sort of insider trading.
Big moves like this don't just happen without those in power calculating everything first, to see how they benefit.
Maybe it may seem like I am stirring the pot, but really, what the heck is really going on?
I think the fines are a separate thing. Mostly for influencers not properly declaring sponsorships.
So I have a question that is kind different. As most of you know, my channel is not kids directed at all, but as my niece pointed out, the name of my channel might be misleading. I am a real-life jungle explorer, having lived and worked in jungle exploration for over 20 years. Many children's channels on YouTube have jungle explorer themes. I am worried that might lead to me being targeted.

So here is what I am thinking. I make 90% of my ad revenue off of about 5% of my videos. If I designed the 95% of my videos as Child-Directed (to minimize my risk) I would still do okay. But my worry is that, if I do that, it would make it appear that my channel is mostly a children's channel, and also youtube says that if you choose this option, your videos will be recommended to kids. Two things concern me.

1. If I list most my videos as Child-Directed, will that cause YouTube to categorize my whole channel as a Children's Channel, which might draw MORE attention to me for the FTC?
2. YT says that marking a video as Child-Directed increases the chances that it will be recommended to children. My video are NOT for children (even potentially dangerous for children) and if they show up in children's recommendations and parents complain, could cause a backlash against my channel?
I think I found your channel. If its the same jungle explorer with 20 years experience in the amazon jungle, then I think you do not need to worry about your channel at all. I was expecting some variation of coyote peterson brave wilderness but it is nothing like it. I see mostly outdoorsman stuff / tech and gear for adults. Youtube did say you would be allowed to have videos that are kid directed and videos that are not. But I wouldn’t tag any of your videos as kid directed. Youve posted here a lot, but I think youre jumping the gun. If anything id worry about ads on some of the gun videos. In my opinion the channel is not for kids at all.
if you choose to select a single video and not the whole channel, u have do disable ad from interest,,, i was kinda shocked
I think I found your channel. If its the same jungle explorer with 20 years experience in the amazon jungle, then I think you do not need to worry about your channel at all. I was expecting some variation of coyote peterson brave wilderness but it is nothing like it. I see mostly outdoorsman stuff / tech and gear for adults. Youtube did say you would be allowed to have videos that are kid directed and videos that are not. But I wouldn’t tag any of your videos as kid directed. Youve posted here a lot, but I think youre jumping the gun. If anything id worry about ads on some of the gun videos. In my opinion the channel is not for kids at all.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. My issue is that age is up to 13 years of age. I know plenty of thirteen-year-olds that hunt and fish. I am a tiny channel by comparison, and I think the FTC has bigger fish to fry than me, but I have notoriously bad luck in life, so much so that I have good friends that will not get into planes with me. LOL! My interest in posting here is not so much about me though, but about the whole injustice of what is being done. Having been deep into politics in the past, I see huge dangers here that go way beyond just what is on the surface. I am seriously concerned about this from a Constitutional level. A country that will target its own innocent citizens for unjust punishment for the crimes of other people, has a name. That name is Tyrannically Evil. I do not want to think this way about my country, but no matter how you look at this, this is exactly what the FTC is doing. This kind of law enforcement is what I would expect in North Korea, not the United States of America.
I'm calling that google has plans for another place specifically for kids content to be launched in the future.
Transfer of account will be possible without loss of subscribers.
It's going to be on Tik Tok ... JK
I wholeheartedly agree with you. My issue is that age is up to 13 years of age. I know plenty of thirteen-year-olds that hunt and fish. I am a tiny channel by comparison, and I think the FTC has bigger fish to fry than me, but I have notoriously bad luck in life, so much so that I have good friends that will not get into planes with me. LOL! My interest in posting here is not so much about me though, but about the whole injustice of what is being done. Having been deep into politics in the past, I see huge dangers here that go way beyond just what is on the surface. I am seriously concerned about this from a Constitutional level. A country that will target its own innocent citizens for unjust punishment for the crimes of other people, has a name. That name is Tyrannically Evil. I do not want to think this way about my country, but no matter how you look at this, this is exactly what the FTC is doing. This kind of law enforcement is what I would expect in North Korea, not the United States of America.
Good morning, the main part of what your videos are about are the keywords, and seen their best labels, and there are many for children, first focus on cleaning the labels if you do not want your content to be cataloged as for children, if the videos do not offer content as such, their labels should not, it has some as
lego worlds LEGO animated cartoons for children full episodes children children's songs, among others
For my part, my channel is 100 percent focused on children, two of my videos were not marked because they were challenging, we will have to assess whether it is possible to slowly change the niche without affecting the channel, since if we dramatically change the content they can demonetize us.
So it is unconstitutional. I will get paid less because I make kids directed videos. This should be reviewed. YouTube needs to add a button for parents about data collection. I hope some lawyers and politicians will stand for us
Clearly this is YouTube trying to absolve itself of any legal responsibility. But theoretically, what would happen if every creator just ignored the AI? Would the FTC then individually take every single YouTuber to court? Unlikely!

I agree that Youtube's "solution" to this FTC / COPPA issue seems to be to put the legal responsibility on to the shoulders of the Youtuber. But the more I think about it, I realise there is no other practical way of doing it. Reading between the lines, their solution is essentially saying to the FTC "You want to go after every single youtuber and video that might be a problem? Then go ahead because we don't have the resources to do so..."

On a similar note, are the FTC really going to go after YouTubers who don't even live in the USA? I doubt they'd get very far.
I agree that Youtube's "solution" to this FTC / COPPA issue seems to be to put the legal responsibility on to the shoulders of the Youtuber. But the more I think about it, I realise there is no other practical way of doing it. Reading between the lines, their solution is essentially saying to the FTC "You want to go after every single youtuber and video that might be a problem? Then go ahead because we don't have the resources to do so..."

On a similar note, are the FTC really going to go after YouTubers who don't even live in the USA? I doubt they'd get very far.
I agree with the practicality of it, but YouTube could try to salvage the situation in tandem with that tactic and it is very very clear that they have no interest in doing so based on the September and November updates. Everybody's FTC'ing (I swear YT has trolls running up and down the comments of that video pointing the blame toward FTC - they are posting on practically every comment) when 50% of the blame should be placed on YouTube. YouTube broke the law and expressed knowledge of under 13's using their platform to Mattel and Hasbro. Caught red handed and now they won't support the niche who suffers. YouTube is powered by one of the most technologically advanced companies in SEM in the world. They practically invented internet marketing. They are immensely wealthy and can totally shift digital advertising as we know it by executing adjustments in the system. Adjustments that could skirt the technicalities of the law and provide us with a more stable revenue stream. At the very least, they can re-work some of the features that are being eliminated for us. Can they find a solution? Absolutely. Do they seem to be interested in that? No. The sloppiness in their response (slashing end cards, playlists, etc.) is indicative of what they want to happen. As I have been saying, they want the niche to shrink. Can end cards be tweaked to be responsive to the under 13 designator? Absolutely. Switch to 13+ gaming, fitness, DIY, anything. Before it is too late! The RPM's are better!