Gaming Looking for PS4 gamers with Mics


New Member
Hey guys, I have a small channel with 103 subscribers, but I get a decent amount of views. (Anywhere from 50-3,000. Average around 250)
My main goal is to get a group of guys playing, similar to some of the larger YouTube gamers today. We won't hit 20 million subs, but we'll have fun and hopefully grow.
I have just a few requirements because I want us to be able to make quality videos
- Have a mic. enough said
- Be 18+. I don't mind if you're 16 or 17, but I don't want 12 year olds trying to game with me, I'm 20.
-Play 1-3 times a week. I want to be putting up at least 1 video a week, and I'm flexible on times, especially nights.
-Make your own videos. We can upload the same gameplay, but I'd like for you to be active as well as I am so our channels can grow.

I play mainly Rocket League and Modern Warfare Remastered. Along with Madden and Fifa on the side. If there's a popular game that you want to play, I'll buy it, as long as it's not a $60 game that we'll play for 2 weeks and then never touch again.

EDIT: I probably should have put my PSN in the original post. It is Jake4vikes, please let me know when you add me so I know who's wanting to collaborate!
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My channel name just type in on YouTube robert torrance and should be the one with 82 subscribers. I can get to sent my link to my channel what is your channel name. I can do one tonight or tomorrow ?
If you click the MrGrim button on one of the comments it will take you to my channel. I can do one tonight if you are free