Gaming Looking for new smaller YouTubers to collab with

We would be happy to collaborate with you on a project in the near future:up2: Be sure to message us through YouTube if you’re interested, or you can message myself personally through Discord, at FishAddition#0900
Yo, I have most of the games you have listed and quite frankly I need an excuse to start recording again so having people record with me would be great! my discord is " Mr. Pants#4127 "
Hey man I'd totally be down to Collab! I think I meet and exceed a lot of your requirement and im looking for some fun people to game with!

I currently have 477 subs and I'm looking to make some friends and grow my channel!

my discord is ExoStudios#9866
Hey! Im interested in collaborating!

I'm 23 Years Old

Ive had my channel for a while now but I really wanna start hitting it.
