Gaming Looking for HQ group to record with!


Active Member
Hey my name is Shylyrushed (Drew) and im looking for a group of fellow tubers that want to record together and upload the footage to our respective channels giving different points of view. I play COD, Garrys mod, Overwatch, GTA, and warframe and more. I am 18 years old and am trying to produce professional level content and provide something unique on youtube for people. I have my own GMOD server that requires no special client such as evolve or hamachi. Feel free to message me if youre interested!
can we text on Skype please add me I have something to ask it might actually help you progress in youtube Skype name is - imwizl
Hey man, I'm down! Two things first, because of my schedule I mostly record at night, so I can only do it then or if we plan specific collab times like a week or so ahead. I also haven't uploaded anything yet because my video editing software is on it's way in the mail, I do have lots of recordings ready and plan on really getting a channel going. Anyways about me, I'm 16 and built my own pc, and regularly play Gmod, Modded COD zombies, and CS:GO and plan on setting up collab events for building challenges and such in Minecraft. I would loe to join your group and I think I could bring a good bit to the table.
Skype: Lemen Byers
Steam: Leeman Fyers
Hey man, I'm down! Two things first, because of my schedule I mostly record at night, so I can only do it then or if we plan specific collab times like a week or so ahead. I also haven't uploaded anything yet because my video editing software is on it's way in the mail, I do have lots of recordings ready and plan on really getting a channel going. Anyways about me, I'm 16 and built my own pc, and regularly play Gmod, Modded COD zombies, and CS:GO and plan on setting up collab events for building challenges and such in Minecraft. I would loe to join your group and I think I could bring a good bit to the table.
Skype: Lemen Byers
Steam: Leeman Fyers
ill add you on skype. i would like to talk to you.