Gaming Looking for 18+ age people to colab with in youtube videos

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I am interested in a MineCraft collab but I am only 15 (almost 16)
Check out my channel: Abdullahx9000
Tell me if you are interested, If you are then add me on skype or steam: Abdullahx9000
Im up for it. I have pretty much all the popular games that everyone plays and I am willing to play most of them :) You have discord?
Hey i want some cool people to colab with need to be 18+ have xbox or pc and must have a good mic Hit me up ill add you on skype we can see if we fit :) i have tons of games and can get more i like shooters have minecraft and some party games like ultimate chicken horse <- very fun
Hey man Id love to do a collab I have good mic and ready to have some fun! Skype name is Corey Plays
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