Gaming LemonLands! - The Collaborative Minecraft Java Server!


New Member
Hey all you new recruits/potential lemons!

Are you looking for a Minecraft Gaming Group?
Look no further!

Welcome to LemonLands!
LemonLands is a Minecraft Java server run by the popular Twitch streamer and YouTuber: LemonJoosh! LemonLands is a 'HermitCraft' type server where players are in pure vanilla survival and are able to build and survive freely. The host Josh was inspired by one major source. His core inspiration for this project was the original days of Minecraft back in 2010. He remembered how the community was always coming together to join eachother on survival servers to create amazing worlds! LemonLands incorporates this massively as there are absoutely 0 plugins that offer any changes to the game.

What are the rules?
All the major server rules are listed on the discord server which you will be able to see once you are accepted!

Is the server for everyone to play on?
Essentially, no. LemonLands is on whitelist mode and as a community, we only accept players who are dedicated to playing fairly and respecting the server and the players on it.

How do I join?
Joining is easy! Just explain why you think you would be a good player for the server and tell Josh a little bit about what you enjoy doing on Minecraft! Also, it is crucial to add your Discord tag to your application! Good luck to everyone!

Happy Crafting Lemons,

Josh. This is me btw:
Hey man I'd be up to join your Minecraft server I'm 21 and from the UK my YouTube channel atm is going through some changes so that's why there's nothing on it yet. But I think it'd be awesome to make some minecraft content for the channel once I have everything set up for that. Why do I wanna join well atm I've just really been looking for I guess a SMP server to take part in and get to know some more people and hopefully make some new friends. And what could I bring to the server I mean I could bring some cool builds with me I'm more of a builder than say a fighter or an explorer in minecraft. I do like helping others out too so if there's any help that is needed just call out my name XD My Discord name is HazzMan4E#4130