Inactive subs?


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I have a problem with inactive subs. I have around 600 subs but am only getting around 20-70 views per video. Does anyone have any ideas on how to improve my views per video because I have quite a lot of subs compared to views.

Also I understand that I ran a giveaway which requires people to sub to me, this could be one of the issues but i still had inactive subs before i ever did a giveaway before.
I have a problem with inactive subs. I have around 600 subs but am only getting around 20-70 views per video. Does anyone have any ideas on how to improve my views per video because I have quite a lot of subs compared to views.

Also I understand that I ran a giveaway which requires people to sub to me, this could be one of the issues but i still had inactive subs before i ever did a giveaway before.
I have over a thousand subs and my latest videos have like 46 views, so I don't think I'd be much help lol
I also had a massive issue with inactive subs (and sometimes still do). I was on about 100 subs but only getting around 10-50 views per video.
Recently I changed my channel around and got my butt on several social media platforms. I gained another 100 active subs and along with that a few of my old inactive subs came back because the quality had got better, and I had changed my content from gaming to tech.

Most of my inactive subs came from sites where people just wanted to be my friend and didn't really care about my channel or content all that much. I'm guessing most of yours are from the giveaways you did and don't actually watch your content at all.

I would try to gain some more active subs, those who are not watching your videos might actually start watching. Also put your videos out there! If you want more views try to find people who might like them. Obviously don't annoy them but let them know they might like it c:
I have a problem with inactive subs. I have around 600 subs but am only getting around 20-70 views per video. Does anyone have any ideas on how to improve my views per video because I have quite a lot of subs compared to views.

Also I understand that I ran a giveaway which requires people to sub to me, this could be one of the issues but i still had inactive subs before i ever did a giveaway before.
From what I can see, you play a lot of different games, but only have a few videos for each of them. You may be getting people subbing who like just one of those games and when they come back you are on another game. NOt that it is a big issue playing lots of games, but not everyone likes every game. It's hard to tell by just looking at your video list when you actually upload them, without going through every video and looking at the date. But it looks like you are uploading around 2 videos each month of the same game. You really need to upload more often for each game if you want to keep fans of certain games happy or they will lose interest.

Also as @MemoGaming said, you probably gained quite a few of them from the giveaways, a lot of people will just sub in tyhe hope of more giveaways and not because of the content.

I don't know what your SEO is like but have a look at it and make sure it's perfect, or close to.

Get sharing on social media as much as you can without spamming, make sure people know you are there and uploading.

Also check the retention rate of every video and see how long people are watching and which ones they watch more and longer of.

Just a few opinions :)
Man I'm trying to get back into youtube and I know a lot of my subs will be completely inactive at this point. It's been nearly 2 years since my last video.
But what does that matter, subs are but a minor part of the actual channel. The number of views you get and comments etc is what really matters.
People aren't going to like all your content and though they may have subscribed for some of it. The other stuff you do may not interest them at all so they're not going to watch that content and it honestly doesn't matter. Inactive subs are a part of youtube, don't let it worry you.

Be honest, how much sub4sub did you do in the past (or still do)?

Nice constructive addition to the thread.
Based on my own opinion, I'm assuming that your channel is a gaming channel from the looks of it. There are lot of gaming channel out there that have done possibly the same game as you. Not that I'm saying that is a bad thing, I'm stating that the originality of the video is probably lacking.

600 subscribers is a large subscription count, but with videos you need to be patient, 48 hours at least to give all of your subscribers a chance to watch all your videos they've missed.

Take for example, Pewdiepie, he has 41 million subscribers but only gets around 2-4 million views per video, that doesn't mean his subscribers are inactive, it just means that there are lot of subscribers that sub and either forget to watch his videos lately or that they just have had a chance to watch the video.

Generally speaking, if all your subscribers watched your videos every day, or watched all their videos every single day. They wouldn't have any time in their day to enjoy their life. Patience is a virtue.
That's a 10% return rate. There's nothing wrong with that at all.

And a quick skim through your channel, you have a wide variety of content. 2 hour livestream uploads? You think people are really going to sit through all of that? Let alone, it's about SHOUTOUTS? If I subscribed to you for your shorter 5 minute videos and then see a 2-hour upload of a sub-baiting livestream, I would most likely unsubscribe. Don't bait your subscribers like that. They'll start caring less of your content.

Nice constructive addition to the thread.

Look at his livestream videos. He's actively trying to get people to sub to him by offering them a useless shoutout.
Look at his livestream videos. He's actively trying to get people to sub to him by offering them a useless shoutout.

Even so he didn't add anything to the discussion, unlike your post. There seems to be some sense of superiority that some users on this board have.
That can't seem to enter into discussion constructively without adding a snide remark and that one annoyed me.
Even so he didn't add anything to the discussion, unlike your post. There seems to be some sense of superiority that some users on this board have.
That can't seem to enter into discussion constructively without adding a snide remark and that one annoyed me.

Isn't that how all forums work though? It's just how the forum works through members who don't know how the system works. I don't think any of us are qualified to say that we know exactly how to get said amount of subs or said amount of views. We just give generalized advice.

This being said, The best bet to do is not scam your viewers. That is actually a real let down to be honest... Think of your viewers like a second family that you want to see thrive, not fall.