Impressions: Search vs Suggested


Well-Known Member
For the past 2.75 years, I've been growing my channel primarily off "search". 45.7% of my traffic is from YouTube Search with 22.4% being external, dominated by Google Search. Only 18.7% of my traffic comes from "suggested". As much as I enjoy making videos related to key search terms, I would also like to break into some topics that are NOT frequently searched. Right now some of my video series not associated with search terms are relegated to the "suggested" pile for traffic, and don't do so hot.

I'm looking for suggestions on how to get the algo to provide more impressions via "suggested" and "browse" so I'm not so reliant on search for the bulk of my channel traffic.
Hey like the channel and have subbed - i also rely of search rather than suggestions. some of my video's do better if timed with a wider event, like product release ect....