Minyin Valarauco

Active Member
I just recently put up a new video on youtube and I would appreciate any and all feedback to know how I'm doing with my pacing and commentary. Should I try to talk more about elements in the game while I'm playing? How is the lighting for my cam? Does it seem fun and enjoyable? I know all about the volume lvl of the game on my recordings versus my own voice. So this current one and next week are from the same day, I've cut down the game sound some more and will see if that works out better on the following videos. It's frustrating to play a game and talk about it and read the speech text to an audience and not have them hear me because I'm competing with the game music/sound.
I've watched some of it - the video is perfectly fine, I can understand what you're saying, the game sounds do not interfere with your voice.
Howeveeeer - change the cover pic. :-) If you want, e-mail the imagery you want to use and I'll whip up something fast. It may not be the best thing in the world but it wouldn't be the squashed image that's currently in place. :-)
It was okay. Voice is clear, nothing wrong with the lighting and the game sounds doesn't cover up your voice. My only complain is that the video is way too long. 10 minutes maximum for a play through should be fine especially if you are a small YouTuber. Keep it up !!!
I agree with @Boki - You should really change your channel banner artwork. It's squashed and hard to read.

I watched a little bit of your video and there is some pretty significant reflection with your glasses. You can fix this by elevating the camera so that it's higher than the TV and you.
hey!! here's my thoughts, for whatever they're worth :)

  • could totally see myself watching your channel, i watched through your most recent beyond the beyond video and it was really good!! your personality, pace, commentary are all really really good. i see nothing wrong with the actual content of your videos, which is definitely the hardest part, so great job!
  • i would agree with other posters that you might want to cut them down to about ten minutes each for now, that way you can upload a little bit more frequently if you so desire and that way your watch time is better (people are more likely to watch the entirety of a ten minute video than a thirty minute video)
  • try to use some photo editor to create some more engaging thumbnails! grab some inspiration from other gaming channels and see what you can do to make your thumbnails look different from each other. to the average person coming onto a channel without organized thumbnails that are just screengrabs from the game can be pretty messy. i saw in another post you made that you said you can't afford a photo editor, but you can definitely look up "free photo editor" on google and definitely find something!
  • camera is kinda low quality, it's nothing to worry about but an investment you could maybe keep in mind if you get bigger!
  • cover pic and display pic are kinda stretched out, they could use a little bit of work to make your channel look more professional! i'm sure quite a few people on here would be willing to whip you up a new one, myself included (and it looks like a poster above me!) so if you'd like, just let me know and i can see if i can make somethin kinda cool for ya.
Fix the sizing and quality of the thumbnail because it looks very swished and stretched. Make custom thumbnails for each one of your videos. Make your videos shorter put only stuff in it that would keep the viewer engaged. Video recorder quality is really good and camera is really good so you dont gotta worry about that stuff but fixing your thumbnails is extremely important and video length.
I agree with @Madiisuun. I would trim the videos to 15 min (I think i heard something about 15min being the sweet spot for longer videos in the past but not sure).

For free photo editors try Gimp.

I noticed that your face is in the thumbnails but it's completely blocked by the time stamp. I suggest making your face a larger part of the thumbnail since people tend to connect more with faces. Maybe your face is 1/2 of the thumbnail and have a cool image grab from the game being the other half.

Also looks like your videos are a series so perhaps having number 1, 2, 3 in the bottom left corner of your thumbnail might convey that.

Lastly, I believe there is a setting in playlist called series. If you check that off your next video will autoplay after the video ends even if the viewer isn't watching it in the playlist.
I've watched some of it - the video is perfectly fine, I can understand what you're saying, the game sounds do not interfere with your voice.
Howeveeeer - change the cover pic. :) If you want, e-mail the imagery you want to use and I'll whip up something fast. It may not be the best thing in the world but it wouldn't be the squashed image that's currently in place. :)
Thanks for taking the time to look it over and give it a listen. I've now further reduced the sound in the latest 2 uploads, but only a smidge more. I've decided to start using screenshots I take during recording, because I forgot I could do that lol. So, no worries, but thanks anyway.
It was okay. Voice is clear, nothing wrong with the lighting and the game sounds doesn't cover up your voice. My only complain is that the video is way too long. 10 minutes maximum for a play through should be fine especially if you are a small YouTuber. Keep it up !!!
Thanks for the input. But, since I am a small channel at the moment I'm only doing one upload a week until I hit 50 subscribers. Then I'll do 2 a week and each time I double the subscribers I'll add an extra day until I'm at 7 uploads a week. I mean 10 minutes 1 time a week really isn't enough for anybody, and a game like this 10 minutes would be way too short and would annoy people trying to watch, in my opinion anyway.[DOUBLEPOST=1541032515,1541032180][/DOUBLEPOST]
I agree with @Boki - You should really change your channel banner artwork. It's squashed and hard to read.

I watched a little bit of your video and there is some pretty significant reflection with your glasses. You can fix this by elevating the camera so that it's higher than the TV and you.
Thanks for the feedback. I used my phone to look at my own banner, wasn't hard to read at all, but I can see about elongating the letters a bit. I'll give that tip a try with my next recording, thank you so much for taking the time to check it out.[DOUBLEPOST=1541033532][/DOUBLEPOST]
hey!! here's my thoughts, for whatever they're worth :)

  • could totally see myself watching your channel, i watched through your most recent beyond the beyond video and it was really good!! your personality, pace, commentary are all really really good. i see nothing wrong with the actual content of your videos, which is definitely the hardest part, so great job!
  • i would agree with other posters that you might want to cut them down to about ten minutes each for now, that way you can upload a little bit more frequently if you so desire and that way your watch time is better (people are more likely to watch the entirety of a ten minute video than a thirty minute video)
  • try to use some photo editor to create some more engaging thumbnails! grab some inspiration from other gaming channels and see what you can do to make your thumbnails look different from each other. to the average person coming onto a channel without organized thumbnails that are just screengrabs from the game can be pretty messy. i saw in another post you made that you said you can't afford a photo editor, but you can definitely look up "free photo editor" on google and definitely find something!
  • camera is kinda low quality, it's nothing to worry about but an investment you could maybe keep in mind if you get bigger!
  • cover pic and display pic are kinda stretched out, they could use a little bit of work to make your channel look more professional! i'm sure quite a few people on here would be willing to whip you up a new one, myself included (and it looks like a poster above me!) so if you'd like, just let me know and i can see if i can make somethin kinda cool for ya.
Thanks for the advice all around. I don't have much time to record as it is, so since I'm only doing one upload a week I'd rather it be a little longer for this type of game. Otherwise only 10 minutes a week and I'd have no retention at all for viewers, in my opinion. I'd like to keep my cover pic and display as is, but yeah, only thing I would want is for it to be seen on all formats clearly, like cell phone and PC. My email is Minyin_Valarauco@yahoo.com I can email you the file and would appreciate your help very much. Just use subject line, youtube cover art.[DOUBLEPOST=1541034267][/DOUBLEPOST]
Fix the sizing and quality of the thumbnail because it looks very swished and stretched. Make custom thumbnails for each one of your videos. Make your videos shorter put only stuff in it that would keep the viewer engaged. Video recorder quality is really good and camera is really good so you dont gotta worry about that stuff but fixing your thumbnails is extremely important and video length.
Thanks for the feedback on the thumbnails, I'll get to it when I can, and I'm looking into having someone fix the sizing on my cover art, thanks so much.[DOUBLEPOST=1541037631][/DOUBLEPOST]
I agree with @Madiisuun. I would trim the videos to 15 min (I think i heard something about 15min being the sweet spot for longer videos in the past but not sure).

For free photo editors try Gimp.

I noticed that your face is in the thumbnails but it's completely blocked by the time stamp. I suggest making your face a larger part of the thumbnail since people tend to connect more with faces. Maybe your face is 1/2 of the thumbnail and have a cool image grab from the game being the other half.

Also looks like your videos are a series so perhaps having number 1, 2, 3 in the bottom left corner of your thumbnail might convey that.

Lastly, I believe there is a setting in playlist called series. If you check that off your next video will autoplay after the video ends even if the viewer isn't watching it in the playlist.
Thanks for all the advice. I've heard that as well, but for this kind of game and with how it plays, there isn't much action or progress in 15 minutes or even 20 minutes. So, for this current one I'd rather stick to about 20-30 minutes. I've tried gimp and it's too hard for me to figure out since there is no user friendly interface. Yeah it is there in the thumbnail because it's part of the video, for this one I'd rather my face be in the lower right to be most out of the way from the majority of game elements. I'm pretty much still learning how to do all this myself, so I'm taking things one step at a time. My face being in the thumbnail may come in time, but it's not my biggest concern right now. I can try to find a way to do that in the lower left corner with the series number, but I need a photo editor and I don't often like using the free stuff found online because it can be buggy or cause errors. I checked and I don't see that option anywhere in playlists for them being outside playlists to play all my videos in a series in a row. I think it's only in playlist section, but if you find out where that is found, please let me know.
I can try to find a way to do that in the lower left corner with the series number, but I need a photo editor and I don't often like using the free stuff found online because it can be buggy or cause errors. I checked and I don't see that option anywhere in playlists for them being outside playlists to play all my videos in a series in a row. I think it's only in playlist section, but if you find out where that is found, please let me know.

Do you know how to use Powerpoint? Or MS Word? Make your current thumbnail picture the background in powerpoint. Then use the text feature to overlay text.
If you do that in powerpoint, you can save as the docuement as pictures and crop the picture in something like paint.
If you use MS Word, your going to have to take a screen shot and paste that into paint and crop it in paint.

If you don't use PC but instead use Mac, you can do the same thing using Pages on Mac
If you don't use PC or Mac, but instead use Linux you can do the same thing with Open Office
If you don't use PC, Mac, Linux, but instead use iOS or Android, you can do the same thing using a collage app.
If you don't use PC, Mac, Linux, or iOS and Android... but are unlucky enough to use a Chromebook you can do the same thing with Google Docs and Slides (well actually Google Docs and slides works for all platforms... but that's not as fun to type out)

Sorry about the 2nd half of this post. I started it and had too much fun writing it. Repetition can be so alluring something :roflmao2:. Anyway sorry about that