Services I review your channel! :)

It would be nice to get some feedback on my channel,
I'll check out yours in return :D
Your channel has this "INEEDTOCHECKOUTTHIS"-effect. Your trailer has amazing quality and describes what you're doing. I really love the layout of your channel page, it's nice structured and appears clean.
Your channel banners shows us what your channel is about, that's very good.
I think there's nothing I can critizise, nice job :-) !
Could you review my channel?
Doggie ;)
First impression: nice! Your trailer is well-made, it's very meaningful.
As you're an GFX artist, I think you don't need any advice considering channel art ;)
Your thumbnails are amazing, I really love this dog :D
Your "about" box is also good structured and nice to read.
Your video quality is cool - 720p.
Great job!
Your channel has this "INEEDTOCHECKOUTTHIS"-effect. Your trailer has amazing quality and describes what you're doing. I really love the layout of your channel page, it's nice structured and appears clean.
Your channel banners shows us what your channel is about, that's very good.
I think there's nothing I can critizise, nice job :) !
Thanks :D
Your channel looks high quality, And Mega dubstep kitty is the best video known to man. Only things I can suggest is maybe a better background to your banner, the rest of it is good though :D
Yeah sure, I'll take part in this. Give me all ya got! Come on I can take it!
Hello, Sir. Take it!
Your channel banner is really nice! I think it suits to your videos.
The channel trailer could be a bit more informational, but it's funny anyway :)
Sweet 720p videos. I also like your thumbnails, they are well designed.
Your "about" box is nice to read and tells us enough about what you're actually doing on YT.
Overall, nice channel! :)
Good idea :) feel free to check mine out, I'm open to all critisism :)
Alright :D
So...your channel banner and picture both fit together and look quite nice.
I think they could tell us more about what you're doing on Youtube.
Your :D Okay. Nice 720p hd quality. Interesting topic. But what do you want to express with these bears sitting on your shoulders? Whatever, they made me keep watching your trailer :-)
You don't need custom thumbnails with text...yours look quite funny :)
You could change the location of your recordings, but it's not that important. Your channel description isn't really meaningful, you could change that to sth. which attracts the audience more.
But - overall nice channel :)
So, I took a look at your channel.
First thing that i really liked was your channel banner. It looks great and suits perfectly to your channel picture.
Another thing which i thought was cool is your social network. Through these links, you can easily expand your fan base. You could improve your channel with creating a welcome video (the one which starts playing when someone clicks on your channel) in which you introduce yourself, just like the text in your "about" box does.
Last thing: You can improve your channel appearence through creating custom thumbnails. This is a really cool feature and could also lead to a better audience!
Note: I saw that you render your videos up to 1080p. If that takes a long time, just make them 720p. You can hardly see any differences.

Greets and good luck with your channel!
Wow Thanks. :D And my thumbnails are custom lol. The welcome video I have not recorded yet so you're very right about that haha. But thanks for the feedback!
Hello there!
My name is NekroBaer!
I will review your Youtube channel and give you feedback!​
If possible, i give you advice at how to improve the appearence of your channel.​
Feel free to start!​
(As service in return, please also take a look at my channel and leave some feedback. Thanks!)​
Can you check my channel out i could do with some feedback