Services I review your channel! :)


Loving YTtalk
Hello there!
My name is NekroBaer!
I will review your Youtube channel and give you feedback!​
If possible, i give you advice at how to improve the appearence of your channel.​
Feel free to start!​
(As service in return, please also take a look at my channel and leave some feedback. Thanks!)​
Hello there!
My name is NekroBaer!
I will review your Youtube channel and give you feedback!​
If possible, i give you advice at how to improve the appearence of your channel.​
Feel free to start!​
(As service in return, please also take a look at my channel and leave some feedback. Thanks!)​

I'll check yours out. :)
I'll check yours out. :)
So, I took a look at your channel.
First thing that i really liked was your channel banner. It looks great and suits perfectly to your channel picture.
Another thing which i thought was cool is your social network. Through these links, you can easily expand your fan base. You could improve your channel with creating a welcome video (the one which starts playing when someone clicks on your channel) in which you introduce yourself, just like the text in your "about" box does.
Last thing: You can improve your channel appearence through creating custom thumbnails. This is a really cool feature and could also lead to a better audience!
Note: I saw that you render your videos up to 1080p. If that takes a long time, just make them 720p. You can hardly see any differences.

Greets and good luck with your channel!
Check me out?
Hello there. I just checked out your channel!
First thing: You could improve your channel appearance with a better channel banner. Maybe put something into it which shows, what you are doing. ( e.g. sth. according to GTA ).
I really like your thumbnails, they make your videos much more attractive to the audience.
I think your video titles are quite specific (which isn't bad) but maybe limits your fan base. You could generalize them to achieve more views.
I overall like your channel, thanks for taking part here :)
So i checked out your channel i love the banner and intro! but one thing the thumbnails you should change them up a bit for each bo2 montage it gets a little old!