I am Armis, a small YouTuber with a dream.


Hello, everyone. I am Armis and I started my channel about 1 or 2 weeks ago and I have about 3 or 4 videos already and I posted my channel trailer to Instagram as an ad but no one bothered to check out my channel.
promoting on other platforms might negatively impact your channel if done incorrectly
btw you can make it much easier for everyone here to find your channel by placing a live link under icon/name as seen under mine to the LEFT of this msg - read my signature on HOW TO below this msg
I think it's a big step to put your self in front of camera, congrats :up2:
you can have a link for your channel permanently under your icon/name,,, do you see my icon with the liberty statue? under it you can read things like my AGE & WEBSITE ,,,,, website is where you can have a link to your channel on a permanent basis so you don't have to remind anyone of it, I explain in my signature below this msg how to put it there!!!
May i ask how you got your first 5 or 10 subscribers?
made game videos, some of which are still on the channel :confused: good memories though, I still play it a little, got about 60 subscribers from that, was also in a clan in that game so some of those subscribers were clan mates,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but then realized that can't do it anymore as the game is stressful, it keeps your adrenaline pumping while you sit on a chair = bad combination.,.,.,., then I started experimenting with cellphone/gopro & eventually settled on camera gear topic & changed channel name,,, this actually stimulates me to go out like hiking/biking etc... instead of sitting on a chair all day
How many videos did it take for you to get your first 10 plus subscribers that you didn't know personally or in general?
How many videos did it take for you to get your first 10 plus subscribers that you didn't know personally or in general?
I was probably not even counting subs at the time, was just playing & posting some videos, I also deleted many after switching channel topic & name
if you are trying to find out how long will it take you to grow = it will likely be years, that's why it is VITAL to choose a topic of high passion that you will be willing to keep making videos about for FREE for many years
it took me 5 years to be at this points