How to Stay Moivated

Knowing that this is my creative outlet, and being a creative person I almost can't function without doing something with my imagination.

Also I kind of know there's nobody out there making videos like me, so it's kind of cool to have my own little section of the internet. As well as that good feeling I get once I'm done editing and can finally Export the video

And of course all the nice comments I get always help fuel my motivation:)
Is there times where you feel like what's the point of making videos ? If so what keeps you going and stops you from completely stopping ?
Sometimes if someone leaves a negative comment, that can put a downer on things. Generally though, I don't think I've had anything that has actively discouraged me.
Stuff used too, like bad comments, low view counts and what not. Recently, though, I've stopped giving a f**k about all that and just do what I enjoy. Some of the best advice I had was "Just stop caring about what people say" and since then nothing has discouraged me. From being called cancer and being told to f**k myself, I like my videos so yeah!
Seeing my first dislike was a downer at first, but I had to compose myself and realize not everyone is going to like what I put out. Negative comments can also be effective for the moment, but it passes. I do my best not to let those get to me though. There are people out there that like what I create, as there is people out there that like what you create. You'll eventually reach the audience you are trying to reach!
As was mentioned before me, what motivates me is that youtube is a great creative outlet for me. Of course there are other outlets too like photos and writing, but I love editing videos. I just wish my life was more intersting. :D

Also, I've done daily vlogs for 1,5 years now so no way I'm stopping now, so that is also pretty good motivation (although there are days once in a while, when I do wonder why I keep on doing it).
Seeing my first dislike was a downer at first, but I had to compose myself and realize not everyone is going to like what I put out. Negative comments can also be effective for the moment, but it passes. I do my best not to let those get to me though. There are people out there that like what I create, as there is people out there that like what you create. You'll eventually reach the audience you are trying to reach!

AGREE with the dislikes! I had my first one awhile ago and it stung. But then I just brushed it off as activity on my channel. Then last night, I saw a recent dislike on a newer/low activity video and it sucked. I was just like, "I'm a very new channel, my videos have low views, and I got another dislike. I guess I'm not very good at this so what's the point?" I just thought about just quitting altogether, at that moment. Lol But like you said, not everyone is gonna like what you (I mean "you" as a general term for everybody lol) are gonna create! Can't please everyone! So I got my composure and made another video because F the haters.

So I guess for motivation, for me it's a creative outlet because my full time job is NOT creative in the slightest, and I'm a creative person by nature... and it's all about sharing my passions/interests with other likeminded people!
Hey all. I've recently been having a bit of a burnout from making videos, mostly the editing part. I know it's probably my only option to help with this, but does anyone have any tips for burnout, specifically editing burnout?