That's exactly one of the things I was gonna say! It would be awesome if you did unboxings or tests of weed. YES. Maybe go into why you smoke weed and what type you prefer.
I think that your trailer goes a little slow even though it is short, and I don't think that it does justice for your personality. You seem really cool and your old trailer was a lot more fun than the one that you have now. Give us more to look at. Like where you said "I smoke a lot of weed" you could have given us different shots of you lighting up. I think that could be fun. and people would be like "sh*t, she really does smoke a lot!" and where you said you are MFing funny, you could have shown some funny moments from your videos showing us how entertaining you are. You literally have footage of you dancing in a store. WHY DIDN'T YOU USE THAT? It was cute and funny! I also have no idea why your "starburst pipe" video doesn't have more views. That was cool. Maybe make more videos showing people how to smoke out of different things!
Some things I'm not liking are that you have your social media on your videos the whole time and it's kind of an eyesore and distracting. Maybe make an end card with all that info? You already have it in the description bar. I feel like I am being forced to look at it. If people want to see more of you, they will. Just remind them at the end if anything. I also don't like the whole "Chuki beat" thing. The music isn't bad, but every few minutes in your video in the middle of the music you just hear CHUKI BEAT! It's YOUR channel not theirs! Your videos are always starting with "this is a chuki beat production" and I don't think that's too good for branding.
I don't think that you need to put your name in front of everything- at least not yet, because people are looking for the title and the content. It's just taking up space. I used to do that too, so I am just giving you advice that I was given, and it's true! Also, I think that your thumbnails could use a little work (mine aren't the best either! hahaha)
So most of what you should be doing (i think) is fine tuning some things. And maybe watching your editing, because in your "Free Meek Mill" video, you talk about a robot at the beginning, and that could have been a whole other video!
I hope that this helped a little!