My question and if somebody can help is ........ i do thug life videos and i want to rank at the first page on youtube if someone searched for thug life but as you know there is a channel named as thug life videos and they have so many videos and the rank very high and almost in all youtube searches . any advice?
That is the YouTube algorithm. Watched or hot videos are coming out first. Just type in as many tags as possible that are accurate and searched, and hope for the best.
Search through the forums for SEO tips, more specifically on proper titles, tags and descriptions. There is a channel called "Endless Motivation" about 20 times bigger than mines, and I was still able to rank 2 of my videos in the front page under that key word. Similarly, someone did an interview of me and included my channel name in her title, and even with just 10 views on that video, she was able to rank higher than all my videos.... The point is, it's very possible to rank in keywords even if there's a channel with that name.
I just did a research now and i saw that people with no description and tags rank at the first page if you search for thug life videos HOW ITS POSSIBLE ??

It's very possible to rank with no or very little descriptions and tags, through simply by the title and a lot of views and watch time. So take advantage of that!!! You'll be able to pass those videos in ranking with lesser amount of views and watch time, assuming your content is of equal or of greater value.
all the other videos have millions of views and these two or three have just 1.000 or 2.000 right now.

Well only way to know is to try. You'd be surprised how many of my videos with just a 100-400 views have passed certain videos with 1M views. But anyone serious about growing on Youtube should do research on the competition before choosing a niche. You'll have to seriously asses your goals, skills, how hard you're willing to grow given your time, and your limitations. There's a little luck involved of course, but I wish you luck figuring all this out.