How to have manageable video size while recording using Android smartphones?


New Member
I have Xiaomi smartphone with Android operating system in it. Whenever I record something using the front camera, even if just for a few seconds, the recorded video file size comes out to be very large as compared to the duration of the video. I say this because I have previously downloaded YouTube videos and movies of 1080p and Blu ray quality. Even for videos/movies of such high quality with long durations of a few hours take just 2-3 Gigabytes. However, in my phone, just a few minutes random video (made using 108 mega pixels front camera) can take nearly upto a Gigabyte. This makes making and storing videos difficult. I know many YouTubers make higher quality videos of longer duration and still those videos have very low file size compared to mine. Please suggest how do I record good quality videos and still have reduced file size.

Should I buy a new hardware or install any recording app to help myself?