How long did it take you to get your first 100 subs???

Hey Guys, recently I reached a major milestone in smashing 50 subs on my channel and wanted to get the community talking about how long it took for you all to reach your first 100 subscribers and how it made you feel.

Lets chat!

I've had my channel about 2 weeks now and just hit 19 subscribers as of today! which is pretty exciting. I'm hoping to hit 100 by June or at least that's my goal. Grats on hitting 100!
Oh this is timely. I just hit my 100 subscriber goal right after Star Wars came out this year. Ironically it was a Star Wars themed video too so that helped. I remember launching our first video the 3rd of July, so it took just over 5 months to get there. I got so hyped I decided to start another YouTube channel lol (Think i'm up to 8 on this new one)
I've been doing youtube for about 6 months and hit 50 subs a few days ago (congrats on 50 subs btw). Just sharing a tip, my channel started getting lots more subs and views when I started to interact more with other people and started to actively try to grow my channel (and that's pretty much the reason I came to the forums)
Took me about 2 months to get to 100. Getting to 200 seems to be taking me 3 months based on current trajectory. But I'll keep plugging away :)
How did you do it so quickly?
It was a mixture of things, leaving comments on big channels (not spam, but comments I would leave even if I didn't have a channel because I love food lol) I gained 200 one day from a Gordon Ramsay video! Also practicing good seo. Never underestimate the pull of good seo. It pulls it views and subs (just type in chilli con carne into YouTube and you'll see). I produce evergreen content that is always going to be useful, I don't pay too much attention to trends like fidget spinners or hot knife stuff. Unless it's something super fun and cool, related to food then I'm not going to step on an invisible box or make a fidget spinner cake! I post on 2 sub reddits that are super cool and receptive. Community is also important, building a loyal and engaged fan base is just the best,and I love my subs because they are all so nice. Be yourself, and don't try too hard and being something you're not. I mean yes I can cook, but I'm a fool as well...and that comes across in my videos lol. Make good content is obvious, but really stand out, make a mark and don't be like everyone else. What makes you YOU? And how can you incorporate that into a video.
It took me a couple of months and once i hit it I felt so acccomplished my next mark is 500 and if im luck 1k this year! :)