How does this video compare to other YouTube videos you watched this week?

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The question is far too broad to answer... it is a ridiculous question in my opinion, or it could be just me, but I don't think so. 'How does this video compare to other YouTube videos you've watched this week?' In what aspect?
- Does the question refer to the audio/visual quality of the video compared to others?
- Does it concern the story quality of the source compared to others?
- Does it mean how does the qualified content compare with the other qualified content compare to the others?
- Does this mean how does this topic fit best to my viewpoint comparing to the others from last week?
- Does this 'dogs' video compare better to last weeks 'cats' videos because last week you preferred cats?

YouTube, when are you going to learn how to ask the questions or have the algorithms refined to best sort your content out?
This thread is from last year, so I've locked it. YouTube has had a lot of changes since then, and if this survey still applies, it would be best to create a new 2017 / 2018 discussion thread. ^^
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