Heyo, what kind of videos do you make/are you into? (don't say p**n..please)

At the moment I'm doing gameplays with commentaries but I hope to get enough fans to do vlog commentaries. I do have a lot of interesting stories to tell...
I'm a dancer at heart. I love to move... What type, you ask? Well, your imagination will have to seek that mystery on its own--for now. :giggle:
We make everything lol. We are so random it's usually what we are feeling that week. So reviews skits to gaming videos
I make cooking videos. I like to watch other cooking videos and food review videos. Outside of that I like Science videos and vids of people making short films. Several vlogs, and a few gaming channels.
My videos have so far been on my favorite hobbies, like health, gaming, tabletop gaming and photography. I plan to continue this trend and eventually get into cooking, my favorite books, etc... I always try to include a skit and comedy bits to keep it entertaining :)
I make cooking videos. I like to watch other cooking videos and food review videos. Outside of that I like Science videos and vids of people making short films. Several vlogs, and a few gaming channels.
Well we have a blind folded cooking video on the way, keep an eye out :D
I really do not get what is so god damned hard to understand about this?
i do photoshop tutorials and i like to watch comedy vlog, pranks, police persuit/chases..