Heyo, what kind of videos do you make/are you into? (don't say p**n..please)

I make random vlogs and music. Usually the music is rock, I've done some funny songs though, most noteable was probably grape juice break. I do improv sketches, scripted sketches, sometimes I do slide show pieces using random pictures, I've done a few collabs, and I like watching... most anything really. I can't get into game plays very easily, but I love vloggers and comedians and artists and musicians, Im very interested in other people, it just fascinates me to see what other people think it worth putting out.
Beautifully said ;D
I make gaming videos, we might do some sketches and stuff in the future if we come up with something cool. (And we need a better camera etc.)

I like to watch Let's Plays mainly, but I also watch Smosh since they are hilarious.
Unfortunately... I play Hentai games no kidding. The only thing that brought me more views than my COD stuff.
Maybe I'm meant to be a perv entertainer. Totally wasn't my plan when I created my gaming channel.

I'm into funny stuff...
p**n is too mainstream and overrated.
I'm into anything comedy, anything that involves action . And I make Pokemon gaming videos.
Tits in thumnail makes views I suppose

One of my hentai videos is full of manly men and still got more views than my other stuff. I assume... people really look up for Hentai on Youtube... What a nice place for that!
But I agree with tits... It will be on one of my thumbnails. At least the contents will be relevant. But viewers are just quiet.
I love nature. I'd upload quite a few nature videos, but I upload a whole load of other videos like Tutorials, holiday and other videos that take my fancy. So my channel is a whole mix of videos. :D