Gaming Hey there! Looking for some fun people 10/10

Hey bud. Nice videos. Your editing style is similar to mine. Do you play mostly on console or PC? I play on Xbox for the most part but some PC as well.

If you could compare your channel to a popular one how would you describe it?

For example, mine is the weird love child of Funhaus and Seananners.

Hey thanks for checking out my channel, I also checked yours out and indeed our editing styles are quite similar. I play mostly on the PC, but might get back into that console grind. Comparing my channel to a popular one huh... most likely would be vanoss and h20delirious combined together to poop out my channel xD
Hi and I too have a small channel.How just adding each other on discord and making a server?It'll be nice to chat maybe even do collabs for each other.Add me on discord DaynBrian #1344
Hey there!

I am not a very big channel (50 subs LEL), but my channel revolves around gaming like many others out there on YouTube. I try to be different with my videos capturing the best funny moments and fails and focusing the edits on those parts. I do take gaming seriously to an extent but the majority of the time I just like to have fun and meet new people haha.

If you're looking to collab with someone, go ahead and see if some of my content would match with yours and from there we could possibly be good friends in the future :D.


Here's the link:
Hey there!

I am not a very big channel (50 subs LEL), but my channel revolves around gaming like many others out there on YouTube. I try to be different with my videos capturing the best funny moments and fails and focusing the edits on those parts. I do take gaming seriously to an extent but the majority of the time I just like to have fun and meet new people haha.

If you're looking to collab with someone, go ahead and see if some of my content would match with yours and from there we could possibly be good friends in the future :D.


Here's the link:
hey can i add you on discord mine is robot gamer plays#9769 also some friends of mine has overwatch so you could also collab with them