Kyle N.

Hello! My name is Kyle and I am trying to find a funny moments crew kind of like Vanoss and his friends. I try to stay away from copying Vanoss as much as I can, but the truth is, there is almost nothing that you can do on YouTube that someone hasn't done already. I am a fun person to talk to (hopefully :p), and I'm very passionate about YouTube. People who have watched my videos say that I have amazing editing skills and I am looking for others who also have good editing skills.

1. Please do not be someone who smokes, vapes, or does drugs.
2. I'm looking for a "normal" person. No offense to some people, but I do not want someone who is trying to be cool or someone who is kind of wierd. There is a little grey area in the middle that I'm looking for lol. Example: If you were/are in the "popular" or "nerdy" group in middle school or high school, you are not the one for me. Sorry. Hopefully you understand where I'm coming from.
3. Have a desire to do YouTube because you enjoy it, not because you want to make money or be famous.
4. Have a sense of humor.
5. Have a non-crappy setup (mic, pc, etc..)
6. Have an xbox
7. Be nice
8. Don't swear that often (gotta make it family friendly lol)
9. Play similar games that I do ("most to least" order)

- Rainbow Six Siege
- Call of Duty
- Garry's Mod
- PUBG (maybe)
- Fortnite (maybe)
- Overwatch (maybe... got kinda boring to me... great game tho)

10. English speaking. Preferably living in US or Canada.

To make sure that you understand what I'm kind of looking for, check out my YouTube channel, "ALAS Bravo" (will change name to something more catchy soon). No, I'm not just saying that for the views. I'm serious. I only want people with a similar style to me. Hopefully I find some people! :D

If you need to contact me:

YouTube (Preferred): ALAS Bravo
Steam: ALAS Bravo
Discord: ALAS Bravo#3921
Skype: ALAS Bravo (profile pic will be same as YT Channel)
Instagram: alas_bravo
Xbox Gamertag: ALAS Bravo