Posting Mad!
Ads are the quickest, cheapest, most effective way to get to the top of search and the top of suggested. Perhaps 95% of people will think 'what the heck why is this channel advertising?' Don't worry about them! Work your butt off to give the best content you can to the 5% who will click the ad and watch the video.
We usually get clickthroughs between 3-7%. I don't care about the ones who don't click, I pay nothing for them. They don't want to see my videos, it's their loss! You only pay for clicks, not for impressions.
Will people click game ads? I don't know, but it's so cheap to try - $10 for 1000 clicks and see what happens.
thank you!! what is it you use to advertise? just youtube promotion link? oh wait i see its adwords..but isnt that for personal websites only?