Well-Known Member
So I was telling my friend, who also happens to be a youtuber, that I was experiencing slow growth on the platform and that I needed to rank better in search. So then he went on to tell me that what he's started to do is log out of his youtube account, mask/change his IP address (I guess youtube will know which one is yours) and started giving his own videos a boost of watch time so they preform better in search. My question is: does this actually work? Like can I give myself watch time to help boost my videos in the search? What about clicking your own ads? Because I know it's against the agreement to but if you log out and mask your IP, would someone still get caught and kicked from youtube's partner program?
Probably wont do either of these things because I don't want to risk it but I'm curious.
Probably wont do either of these things because I don't want to risk it but I'm curious.