Free Game Capture Recorder?


I've Got It
Hello everyone!
I'd like to ask about free recording software that supports things like game capture. At the moment, I use a software that indeed does screen capture. But when it comes to games I want to play like Skyrim, League of Legends, Sims 4 and etc..
It doesn't record it.
I would also like to avoid watermarks.
Don't worry, I'm not cheap and I love supporting developers- but I'm just in a very bad spot at the moment. XD
It would also be preferred if it happens to record both my voice and the game as well. I have headphones to use while the software would record from the speaker, and recording me while using the mic.
Your help is very much appreciated, and I would love it if you could possibly help!
I use LoiLo. You can record your voice but it doesn't let you adjust the levels or anything, just the mic volume. What program do you use for editing? I ask because LoiLo videos won't import properly into Adobe After Effects.
I use LoiLo. You can record your voice but it doesn't let you adjust the levels or anything, just the mic volume. What program do you use for editing? I ask because LoiLo videos won't import properly into Adobe After Effects.
I use Debut Video Capture. It records the screen that's for sure- for browser games, emulators and some JRPGs. It also captures the mic, but kind of has a bad speaker recording thing going on.
It also doesn't "game" capture.
It also has no watermarks.
I'm fine with not being able to adjust the mic I think. I can just talk louder!
Thanks Dino! I'll totally try it out.
If I have any complaints though, expect me to run to you for help. XD
Do you happen to use this software?

I do! I used to use Fraps, but OBS saves a lot of recording space compared to it. If you have any questions, I'll try my best to answer them or direct you somewhere with the answer.
If you can afford it, go for DXTory combined with MP4 codec. Costs something like $30-$35/lifetime, gets steady updates every now and then, gives a lot of info during recording (FPs, footage FPS, size, duration of recording, bottlenecks) and is able to record multiple audio tracks (so you can record your voice and game separately in 1 program without needing to synchronize it later on and you have 2 audio tracks to edit them as you need) :)
OBS (Open Broadcast Software) works really well as does Nvidia Shadowplay (if you have a Nvidia card). If you're willing to spring a bit of money, I both use and definitely recommend dxtory. I believe it's around US $30.
Thanks to you both, I will totally try out one of them. I don't wanna spend money on both then end up hating one. XD
I'll tell you guys about the results when it comes! I'll try out OBS to begin with, since that was the first suggestion. ~
So, I've tried OBS and Loilo.
UPDATE: Obs is a really good software if your computer/laptop can handle the high-demand. I thought that my laptop was in that section, but apparently it isn't...?
Loilo records really well on my things! However, that file size is HUGE. I get about 500mb just for recording for like 30 seconds. It's outrageous.
I recorded a 20 minute or so video, and the file size was 11.4GB! My God!
Luckily, I use a video converter software, so my file size went down from about 11.4GB to only 500MB; still looks great and has no quality loss.

I haven't tried the other softwares yet.