False Copyright Claims

Well YouTube Responds to WTFU well kinda.

I don't expect anything from YOUTUBE other then claiming the false copyrights and never giving us chance to explain the situation. YouTube needs to improve on this issue, we are the users, we must have that right.
Well I won't beat a dead horse since pretty much what everyone has previously said is spot on.

The system is completely flawed. I understand that nothing is perfect but this is getting beyond ridiculous. What Google/Youtube needs is an OBJECTIVE third party to review all claims, not the outside company who's filing the damn claim! This is a complete conflict of interest. Anyone can file a false claim and while it's being disputed, you as the original content owner has to sit with your thumb up your butt waiting for the dispute to either go through or not, all while losing revenue during the dispute.

I don't have any immediate solution other than for us as a community to keep talking about this and maybe more of us youtubers can make videos voicing our opinions. Not sure how much that will help but not much more I can think of at the moment.
I think more and more big YouTubers need to start making more videos about it and try taking some of these claimants to court, someone like PewDiePie has the money to do so. Someone needs to set an example to the fake claimants that there will be repercussions from fake claims so it's a risk for them to actually be sending out false claims. It's 2016 and ever since YouTube was sold to Google it's been going downhill cause to me it looks like they don't always listen to the community. Sure YouTube has backed people up when companies keep sending out claims, but why did they stop? Now they introduce YouTube red but where is the community guideline changes? This has been going on for years tho so I dunno if they will ever change it since google has always had that company mindset and have had scummy practices within their company as well. It's only now that it is getting attention and not enough of it.
Actually YouTube ironically are finally going after the false claimants but it still doesn't fix the current system, even if they go after the false claims, who wins at the end if your video lost out on revenue and views? This video by AlloySeven explains it in better detail, it revolves around gaming but it counts towards other fair use content too:

They're not going to help ALL channels but they will be basically fighting for as many as they can, naturally I suspect they'd be doing it for channels which they consider to have more potential but with so many creators it may not be enough, this is why the content ID system needs to change, it needs better mediation than some AI.

Also, PewDiePie doesn't get many if any claims at all, so currently it's not as big an issue for him, it's not his fight yet but he does have friends who are significantly smaller than he is and I think if it reaches his ears he'll back #WTFU.
Actually YouTube ironically are finally going after the false claimants but it still doesn't fix the current system, even if they go after the false claims, who wins at the end if your video lost out on revenue and views? This video by AlloySeven explains it in better detail, it revolves around gaming but it counts towards other fair use content too:
They're not going to help ALL channels but they will be basically fighting for as many as they can, naturally I suspect they'd be doing it for channels which they consider to have more potential but with so many creators it may not be enough, this is why the content ID system needs to change, it needs better mediation than some AI.

Also, PewDiePie doesn't get many if any claims at all, so currently it's not as big an issue for him, it's not his fight yet but he does have friends who are significantly smaller than he is and I think if it reaches his ears he'll back #WTFU.
Agree with you and mentioning PewDiePie was just as an example I don't really follow him closely. I think it would be a lot better to make the youtube claim system fairer than fighting for as many videos as they can tho. I know YouTube has backed a lot of people in the past and are still doing so but I believe they would help people out a lot more especially smaller channels if they improved their claim system since it will just reduce work for them at the end of the day. As for the video it is very educational and I recommend people to watch it also though I already know everything he mentions on copyright/DMCA to which I feel like I've been on the internet for too long now >< I like how YouTube are trying to figure out a way to make this better which I did not know about so things are looking up but am always pessimistic about these things.
Basic thing that happened is what is the YouTube equivalent of "patent trolls". They just bought the rights out of nowhere of the Damn Daniel video, just so they can claim videos that use it to steal monetization. And it's a similar case to patent trolling given that patent trolling steals every year like hundreds of millions of dollars out of everyone else's work.

This is a thing that happens. And no matter that you fight over the Merlin claims, they will ensure always that your dispute and appeals are rejected, so it's either a free way to directly strike your channel, or either steal your monetization revenue out of your work for nothing. And this, yet, IS illegal on law standards, only that YouTube's automated DMCA system doesn't give a damn.