False Copyright Claims


Hakuna your tatas.
Ok, so a YouTuber ''I Hate Everything'' I watch quite frequently got a copyright strike from some ''company'' called ''[Merlin] CDLTD'', saying that he used a song from Dylan Dauzat, althought Dylan wasn't even involved with them or in this decision and there was no actual song stolen. And apparently they have been doing this for quite some time and to other people as well. And after that they get revenue from that video they claimed.
It is just sickening how people could use the copyright system like this and I just want to spread awareness about these people, because at some point this could affect anyone.
You can watch the video on the channel I Hate Everything, it is the latest video he posted.
Ok, so a YouTuber ''I Hate Everything'' I watch quite frequently got a copyright strike from some ''company'' called ''[Merlin] CDLTD'', saying that he used a song from Dylan Dauzat, althought Dylan wasn't even involved with them or in this decision and there was no actual song stolen. And apparently they have been doing this for quite some time and to other people as well. And after that they get revenue from that video they claimed.
It is just sickening how people could use the copyright system like this and I just want to spread awareness about these people, because at some point this could affect anyone.
You can watch the video on the channel I Hate Everything, it is the latest video he posted.

They can dispute the copyright claim, and if I were them I would.
They can dispute the copyright claim, and if I were them I would.
He already did, but I've read it doesn't do anything really: One fella disputed the claim, they rejected it. He sent an appeal and they let it expire so they could just claim the video again.
That's the "Where's The Fair Use?" Vid yeah? The part about the guys who were filming a review in their car without even using any movie footage, yet still got a claim & strike, was even more worrying.
It's a huge issue and nothing is going to happen to his video all they will do is keep sending false claims but the problem is his video will be down for "x" amount of days until the claims expire which will can affect his revenue. It's a seriously scummy practice and YouTube needs to re examine it's copyright claim system because anyone can go on a video and file a claim without any repercussions on their side either. It's the biggest problem on content creators. When he is given a false claim he loses out on a lot, be it views or revenue whilst the copyright claimant walks nilly willy free and get's someone else to do it as well. It's ridiculous and what's funny is it is against the law to be filing false claims.
That's the "Where's The Fair Use?" Vid yeah? The part about the guys who were filming a review in their car without even using any movie footage, yet still got a claim & strike, was even more worrying.
It's a huge issue and nothing is going to happen to his video all they will do is keep sending false claims but the problem is his video will be down for "x" amount of days until the claims expire which will can affect his revenue. It's a seriously scummy practice and YouTube needs to re examine it's copyright claim system because anyone can go on a video and file a claim without any repercussions on their side either. It's the biggest problem on content creators. When he is given a false claim he loses out on a lot, be it views or revenue whilst the copyright claimant walks nilly willy free and get's someone else to do it as well. It's ridiculous and what's funny is it is against the law to be filing false claims.
Yes, just like the Nostalgia Critic made notice of, the system is really flawed. Both big studios and even fake ''companies'' can claim a copyright strike againts your video, while taking revenue from your content while you sort it out. This happens more often than it should. Just the whole situation YouTube is going through right now with the copyright system, channels that dont follow the guidelines and the channels that do, but get taken down is really insane. And althought the people are making a noise, even the bigger YouTubers, it doesn't look like YouTube even wants to listen unless it effects them directly.
This is a platform we love and put our content on, and I am getting worried about what will happen in the future if soemthign doesnt change.
Yes, just like the Nostalgia Critic made notice of, the system is really flawed. Both big studios and even fake ''companies'' can claim a copyright strike againts your video, while taking revenue from your content while you sort it out. This happens more often than it should. Just the whole situation YouTube is going through right now with the copyright system, channels that dont follow the guidelines and the channels that do, but get taken down is really insane. And althought the people are making a noise, even the bigger YouTubers, it doesn't look like YouTube even wants to listen unless it effects them directly.
This is a platform we love and put our content on, and I am getting worried about what will happen in the future if soemthign doesnt change.
I spent my entire night on Monday & entire morning Thursday emailing developers & publishers just to get permission to post stuff of their video games, I don't trust YouTube's copyright system.
I think its horrible that this is allowed to be going on. Youtube has been doing this for a while, and simply just hasn't been listening to us when we complain about the broken copyright claim system. They seriously need to start listening, or the site will go downhill.
This is a platform we love and put our content on, and I am getting worried about what will happen in the future if soemthign doesnt change.
I think more and more big YouTubers need to start making more videos about it and try taking some of these claimants to court, someone like PewDiePie has the money to do so. Someone needs to set an example to the fake claimants that there will be repercussions from fake claims so it's a risk for them to actually be sending out false claims. It's 2016 and ever since YouTube was sold to Google it's been going downhill cause to me it looks like they don't always listen to the community. Sure YouTube has backed people up when companies keep sending out claims, but why did they stop? Now they introduce YouTube red but where is the community guideline changes? This has been going on for years tho so I dunno if they will ever change it since google has always had that company mindset and have had scummy practices within their company as well. It's only now that it is getting attention and not enough of it.
I spent my entire night on Monday & entire morning Thursday emailing developers & publishers just to get permission to post stuff of their video games, I don't trust YouTube's copyright system.

It is ridiculous, we shouldnt be scared to review or play a game even, even if it falls under fair use.

I think its horrible that this is allowed to be going on. Youtube has been doing this for a while, and simply just hasn't been listening to us when we complain about the broken copyright claim system. They seriously need to start listening, or the site will go downhill.

It is because YouTube is a monopoly in this case, and they know that the site won't go downhill that easily, because content creators wouldn't have anywhere else to go.

I think more and more big YouTubers need to start making more videos about it and try taking some of these claimants to court, someone like PewDiePie has the money to do so. Someone needs to set an example to the fake claimants that there will be repercussions from fake claims so it's a risk for them to actually be sending out false claims. It's 2016 and ever since YouTube was sold to Google it's been going downhill cause to me it looks like they don't always listen to the community. Sure YouTube has backed people up when companies keep sending out claims, but why did they stop? Now they introduce YouTube red but where is the community guideline changes? This has been going on for years tho so I dunno if they will ever change it since google has always had that company mindset and have had scummy practices within their company as well. It's only now that it is getting attention and not enough of it.

A lot of the big channels have protection from YouTube in this case, and they might be afraid that they might lose that protection if they start voicing themselves against it. This is something boogie2988 said pretty well, about the famous ''YouTube elite''. But yes, I still hope that the big ones, even some of them, would come join the cause. GradeAUnderA and Nostalgia Critic have started #MakeYouTubeGreatAgain and '#WTFU, targeting Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube. And yes, it's been happening since 2009 apparently, with smaller channels who couldnt do anything about the claims, without having a large group of people protesting.