Everyone share what your community is like

I'm more in the travel/explore and vlog type of community. I like documenting my experiences abroad or wherever I travel to. It's better to have things recorded through moving pictures than still ones. I also give tips to people who are planning to study abroad, for I recently finished a semester in South Korea. It's fun helping people and exposing others to different places. Sharing is caring :D
What's the word limit here?
Ok, keeping it short...
I find kids/toy channel don't do much collabs, except at the high 1M+ sub level. Even then it's not very common. I guess it's hard to do collabs for many types of videos. The best would be 2 channels getting together physically and getting the kids filming videos together. Might be hard to muster though.
Content is very heavily trend influenced. Somebody comes up with something and a day later, sometimes a few hours later, there are exact copied. Some must live next to a Toys R Us!
Many viewers are very nice, and interact in the comments. We have many questions about the new baby, requests for videos, questions about age and stuff like that.
About 10% are haters. Mostly the hate comes from one particular type of viewer (can tell by their avatars). They should get out more into the sunshine!
Some channels I consider spam/scammers. They latch on to a few top channels, and pull tags, titles, video ideas and redo the videos. You can see there is no creativity, interest in the art, it's just a $$$ grab irrespective of Copyright law or respect or decency. it's ok to be inspired and recreate videos with your own flavor, perhaps reuse some tags and description ideas, but some take it way too far.
There is a lot of theft of videos (download and upload). Not sure of other verticals, but dmca takedowns take me several hours per week. I must have issued over 1000 already.
All in all, my feelings after 15 months full-time of this, is the channels in the kids vertical pretty much keep to themselves, follow trends closely, and many are willing to take a heavy dose of inspiration from trending videos.
I'm part of the food and cooking community. Generally it's not a very toxic place as most people are just like minded hungry people looking for good food. Occasionally though you get those that disagree with something and will let you know about it.
To get real specific I'm part of the mobile multiplayer gaming community. I haven't seen many mobile gaming YouTubers on this particular forum yet. The particular game I've had success with in the past 4 months or so I get told on a regular basis I'm one of the only if not the only english speaking channels that makes videos for it. There are a number of other channels that have blown up from it much more than I have but they're all German speaking. The language barrier has sort of prevented me from thinking of doing any collabs thus far, so I kind of feel like I have my own community to some extend although ~60% of my views in the past couple months were from Germany. The mobile gaming community in general tends to upload a lot of videos, many channels do 1 or more videos daily. Many do 2-3 a day successfully without anyone complaining about it. I like most of the people behind the channels although I don't really know any of them personally. I really dislike the influence micro-transactions often have on the type of videos that do well, just doesn't feel right to me.

My subs are really really really nice and supportive people for the most part. That may be because I'm 24 and 65% of my watch time comes from people who are older than I am.
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The norwegian Nintendo gaming community is pretty small, but everyone knows who each other are, and we usually watch and comment on each others videos.
I sort of fall into several different communities but the main one would be the lucid dreaming community. It's a pretty awesome little niche. It's one of the few communities on YouTube where I don't think I've seen anyone toxic or negative making videos. I enjoy watching videos from the other lucid dreaming YouTubers out there, and one thing I particularly like is that every channel seems to have a bit of both teaching, and learning. By that I mean even though we're teaching people how to lucid dream and have experience etc, we're also still always learning and discovering new things, sharing experiences, etc at the same time.

The viewers come from about as varied a bunch as you can imagine. Most of them are very positive, eager to learn, and astonishingly patient - even when for some of them it takes weeks/months to get their first lucid dream. There's an occasional bad apple like any community but they're a minority.

One thing in particular that I've noticed that I really like, is that some of my relatively young viewers are a lot more interested in improving themselves than I was when I was that age. I was somewhat hesitant that my more self-improvement leaning content wouldn't be as well received by some of my younger subscribers - things like meditating every day for extended periods of time, exercise etc, are often things you simply don't feel you have time for at those ages.. yet I've seen an extremely high number of those younger subscribers dedicate themselves to precisely those things. It's awesome to see!
I'm part of the video game music cover artist community and I really love it. I do anime covers too occasionally but I participate in the VGM community and everyone is super chill and supportive and all genuinely want to help each other improve and listen to each others covers, and collaborating with people is always a blast. I interact with most people but haven't made any friends in the community yet, but every interaction I've had with people on twitter and reddit are great and I really enjoy being a part of the community :) from what I can tell, the anime cover artist scene is pretty much the same, but haven't done more than sub to a few of those channels.