Finished/Closed DrunkBearzz "SuperExtraSweet" FREEE STUFF!

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Oh alright its fine, looks cool either way. Thanks again! I would start telling people that YouTube is converting everyones channel to the one channel layout on June 5th.
Can I have a banner for the new layout. In the middle can it say Zomboy Productionz. Than on the bottom some zombie hands reaching up maybe one holding a small video camera. Than some zombies standing up next to Zomboy Productionz and maybe Freddy or Jason:mask2: in the background

And of course some blood. No rush its just that YouTube is switching all channels on June 5th:shifty2:
PainWritter you do awesome work ! Can you make me a channel art one? The ones that are top of new youtube channel's. Make it say Tater259 Gaming. I dont have any specific colors or logos or designs.[DOUBLEPOST=1370371091,1370370616][/DOUBLEPOST]
PainWritter you do awesome work ! Can you make me a channel art one? The ones that are top of new youtube channel's. Make it say Tater259 Gaming. I dont have any specific colors or logos or designs.

Cant seem to edit my last post but maybe add some guns/ammo in the channel art ? im not picky im sure anything you do will be amazing
You made me a old layout art and new layout for my gaming and now the new layout is being forced tommorow a and I want an amazing master piece for my main channel from you. I will give you a twitter shoutout. PLZ PLZ PLZ
I really want some for my main channel though. I posted what i wanted earlier but here it is again: Can I have a banner for the new layout. In the middle can it say Zomboy Productionz. Than on the bottom some zombie hands reaching up maybe one holding a small video camera. Than some zombies standing up next to Zomboy Productionz and maybe Freddy and Jason:mask2: in the background to.
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