Finished/Closed DrunkBearzz "SuperExtraSweet" FREEE STUFF!

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Hey dude, Can you make me one? I really need one. My Channel is a minecraft bassed channel. I am right now doing a Happy Wheeles videos at the moment. So yeah can you make this image bigger?


  • pizap.com10.68346469011157751371154510611.jpg
    44.5 KB · Views: 5

Whoever whant banner or something should say what text they want and what will banner be about.

And yea SethHeartGaming Im sorry but if ur friend wants something he should aske it for himself
This is pretty freaking awesome! do you design it all yourself? if so you might be the person I need for my banner idea I have been working on :P
sound :P I am looking for like a banner of me (drawn) surrounded by game characters :P any chance you can do something like that? :D
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