Finished/Closed DrunkBearzz "SuperExtraSweet" FREEE STUFF!

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No need to mantion me in anything it's all for free(nothing for exchange). You need banner and avatar right?

i need everting i just made some simple ting to get stardet if it can i need : background avatar not sure if i need ( banners or signaturers ) im kind of new to youtube to
and its realy asome you do it this man
I just have one slight request. For the Zomboyz gaming banner can you move the middle zombie down slightly. His eyes and forehead get cut off when it is placed in the banner section for the channel.
Alright, stuff I sent in message.

Text: Gaming with SethHeart
Font: Big but up to you.
Color for Text: Red with a color Gradient fill that works with Red. (If Red isn't really a great choice because it will be harder to read, then you can make a judgement there and do another type of color like White and black gradient fill or Black with any Gradient Fill. As long as it can be read without eye pains)
Theme: Just of a bunch of different games like Minecraft and TF2 and other steam games. Maybe Minecraft, Steam logo in the middle, then something else on right. Up to you.
Dimensions: 2560 X 1440.

If you could I would also like a better Avatar as well.

Text: SethHeart
Color: Blue
Theme: Big Red Heart with SethHeart centered in it. Surrounded by a Minecraft Background.
Dimensions: 800 X 800
It's all for free--

just give me dimesions,colors or whatevarrrrrr.
:p Il post some of works if I found them(got virus from p**n) soo yeaaaa...Let's get serious if u need something or want just contact me.I dont have social life so I have a lot free time....BTW I live in basemant..SE yaaa

is there anyway i can chat with you so we can work someting out ?
Can you make me channel one art that fits. Make it clash of clans themed please! Also have my channel name "Dailyclasher" on it!

Can you make me channel one art that fits. Make it clash of clans themed please! Also have my channel name "Dailyclasher" on it!


I'm pretty sure I already did..

mrswampeye u can write here on youtube[DOUBLEPOST=1369683090,1369665840][/DOUBLEPOST]SwthHeart i'll do your's on wednesday I'v got something to do about school

I dont know if you got my thing before but can you lower the middle zombie in zomboyz gaming his forehead and eyes get cut off when put on channel

Now for a new job, my friend wants channel art for the new layout. He wants it have a big AWS in the middle and this holding a sword to the left of the AWS. And the background some cool shade of red. And some minecraft zombies wherever you want. Thanks, no rush.:spin:
Hey can i have an avatar for my channel please :) if you can please add the picture that i will add to that post and do whatever you want with my name inside xD i will appreciate it


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