Does YouTube stay impartial?

Broccoli Shmoccoli

Liking YTtalk
I heard of cases where either big networks or other big entities offer cooperation with, or investment in YT channels under the terms which the owners of those channels don't agree with and are than getting manipulated and attacked on multiple fronts by those big entities with things like illegitimate copyright claims and strikes. I even heard of cases in which they came after their brand designs etc... I was wondering if any of you have any experience or knowledge about what one should do in such a case - and more importantly - does YouTube stay neutral and doesn't give-in to the bigger more influential companies - which it has more profit from than you - the little guy? I know for a fact that the courts are partial and side with the bigger more powerful parties, but what about YouTube today?

Any experience or advice on that??
(I'm not talking about the common copyright claims, but about a big company coming after a smaller channel and YouTube's record in impartiality...)
Google takes care of itself first and foremost by trying to stay clear of getting involved in disputes. Because of that, they have a history of erring on the side of caution and leaning with the side that put in the copyright claim, but that's also because copyright and trademark disputes are (relatively) none of their business.
Google takes care of itself first and foremost by trying to stay clear of getting involved in disputes. Because of that, they have a history of erring on the side of caution and leaning with the side that put in the copyright claim, but that's also because copyright and trademark disputes are (relatively) none of their business.

Interesting perspective. I hope you're right. :) Thank you for the reply.