Does "Sub for sub" ever actually work?

I don't check out people that ask for sub for sub, I DO however, check out channels that would like to get feedback or are wanting to create similar content to me and see my opinion. :) It's all in who you pick, and how you ask. Some I've subbed to

Careful. A whole lot of people will ask for "feedback" and "opinion" just as a way to get you to watch their videos.
Careful. A whole lot of people will ask for "feedback" and "opinion" just as a way to get you to watch their videos.
Yeah I understand that, I do offer flash help to anyone in my about section, and for those that have noticed that, i do give advice. But I am pretty selective, if they straight up just comment on something ignoring the video and asking for feedback i ignore them. But if they are showing up around first as a watcher, then ask later on, I don't mind. Its hard to tell what people's true motives are, but usually you can tell by the way they write their comments (and you can always check their name up on the fan engagement in analytics to see how regular they are on your channel and how long they've been subbed for)
It works to some extent. I go through the others channel when i get request sub4sub and subscribe if i find it interesting. I have made some good relationship via comments.
I did sub for sub at the beginning, but now I only sub for channels that I have some interest in. I have met some really cool people this way. The best way to get subs that I noticed is to simply comment on other YouTubers videos. I don't mention my channel I just leave a comment on their videos.
Careful. A whole lot of people will ask for "feedback" and "opinion" just as a way to get you to watch their videos.
I think if they ask in their own thread its fine certainly fine. But overall I think its fine for people to ask. We are all trying to learn and evolve. They certainly are not going to be able to live off any views directed from this site alone LOL.
I really think their is this problem with some/a lot of members here, they value who they Subscribe way too much and hitting a Like button might make some feel like they are doing something right or are they getting this to easy? or Is this person worthy? I think this is because we all know how hard it is to start a channel and even get to 100 Subs. If you like what someone is doing subscribe! If you see a channel making average videos but like the idea and see some potential then subscribe. I got on Barnacules early and amazed at what he has done now! I feel special that I got on early. Not that it counts for anything but more that I feel I can judge talent, potential and see what is a trend before it happens maybe.
Also I'm still yet to subscribe to anyone from this forum. I have liked various videos and left comments on some and i certainly leave feedback in the forum for others if I see I can help. I just havnt seen a channel that interests me. But also I treat everyone's videos and channels like I was viewing normally in youtube. If i don't like it I click off, it would be giving them false indications in their Analytics otherwise especially if the video only has 13 views.
Hi Hatlesschimp,

I agree, I will view someones video for sure, subscribing is different, I may watch a few before I subscribe and me, I don't mind if you just view my channel. My channel is not for everyone. :)

I think if they ask in their own thread its fine certainly fine. But overall I think its fine for people to ask. We are all trying to learn and evolve. They certainly are not going to be able to live off any views directed from this site alone LOL.
I really think their is this problem with some/a lot of members here, they value who they Subscribe way too much and hitting a Like button might make some feel like they are doing something right or are they getting this to easy? or Is this person worthy? I think this is because we all know how hard it is to start a channel and even get to 100 Subs. If you like what someone is doing subscribe! If you see a channel making average videos but like the idea and see some potential then subscribe. I got on Barnacules early and amazed at what he has done now! I feel special that I got on early. Not that it counts for anything but more that I feel I can judge talent, potential and see what is a trend before it happens maybe.
Also I'm still yet to subscribe to anyone from this forum. I have liked various videos and left comments on some and i certainly leave feedback in the forum for others if I see I can help. I just havnt seen a channel that interests me. But also I treat everyone's videos and channels like I was viewing normally in youtube. If i don't like it I click off, it would be giving them false indications in their Analytics otherwise especially if the video only has 13 views.
Does "Sub for sub" ever actually work?
Well, I don't think it's a terrible thing unless what @YouTuber1978 was implying is true, which is that Youtube's algorithms will see the mismatch between subs and views/comments and it will negatively affect your ranking. I haven't seen any direct evidence of it but any theory that involves Youtube's algorithm punishing those who take shortcuts is certainly feasible. The other problem is, if you do it to too much of an extent, your actual viewers will begin to notice that discrepancy too and think it's strange. The upside to sub4sub is that it's a way to break some smaller barriers early on and give your channel a slightly improved image. I know people won't admit it, and might not even realize it, but when they watch a video they notice that number next to the subscriber button and it does affect their perception of the value of the channel, even before watching 30 seconds of the video. When someone sees a guy with 30k subs he might be more inclined to give a video a chance, assuming that since he has so many subs, there must be something good about the content. The same can go for smaller numbers. 15 subs vs 150 is a sizable difference and can mean the difference between someone bailing after 20 seconds or sticking around to see if things get better.

I think what @XXLRay makes sense. If it's a shortcut you really want to take, use it to get to 100 or 150 and then stop (to give your channel a little less of a nooby feel). But remember that shortcuts usually have of which might be what Youtuber mentioned. I've never done it personally, except for the benefit of the other guy occasionally.

The bottom line is that if you're making truly quality content you won't need to do sub4sub.
I have given my opinion on this a few times on this forum and it is the following:
I don't do it personally just because my subscription feed would be filled with junk if I did, BUT it can help you to a certain point if you don't overdo it. Take my channel for example, I have 160k views and 270 subs. If I would sub4sub until I am at 1k subs no-one would think anything of it and true viewers coming across my channel would be more inclined to subscribe when they see 1k iso 270... That way my views would increase, probably not by much, but they would.