Does "Sub for sub" ever actually work?

Never ever ever do sub for sub. It totally kills your chances of becoming succesful. Don't even worry about subs. Subs have nothing to do with wether or not you have a succesful YouTube channel. In fact, if someone just gave you a channel that already had 100,000 subs it still wouldn't help you. Subs are completely irrelevant to YouTube success.

Having subscribers is a byproduct of a successful YouTube channel. So many people make the mistake of thinking subs equal views. Subs don't equal anything. It's just a number that means nothing. The reality is that getting a ton of views get you subs. Subs come after views not the other way round. Trying to get subs in anyway is a complete waste of time.

Try to create great videos. That's it. Don't worry about anything else. JUST MAKE GOOD CONTENT. That is the key to YouTube success. Success on YouTube goes like this. GREAT CONTENT = LOTS OF VIEWS = LOTS OF SUBS. Thats the only way you can do it. You can't mix up the order. It just does not work ever. And if you have GREAT CONTENT but you don't let it grow organically at it's own pace you actually completely screw up your analytics and YouTube doesn't promote your channel.
I personally don't think it's a bad idea to help you generate the first 100 subs, even though you don't get views out of it it
Hmmm... I always view channels with widely skewed subs to views ration suspiciously.
My own personal view, if my content is not engaging to you, then please don't watch my channel and don't subscribe.
the only good thing it may (emphasis on may) make your channel a bit more interesting... Ppl might look to your channel in different ways according to the subscriber base...
But your subscriber will be totally crap in the end, so don't expect much from them.
When it comes to where your video will show up (What to Watch, Suggested Video, etc.), engagement matters (views, comments, likes), not how many subs you have. I agreed to a sub-for-sub just once when my channel was a few months old. I don't know why I agreed. I have never even watched a video on the other channel, and I bet the same is true of mine!
I don't check out people that ask for sub for sub, I DO however, check out channels that would like to get feedback or are wanting to create similar content to me and see my opinion. :) It's all in who you pick, and how you ask. Some I've subbed to
IMO sub4sub is good if you want to grow your subscribers, but if you want views doing sub4sub won't really grow your viewership