Does Call to action help your channel?


I've Got It
Hey so I wanted to ask the community if call to action helps your channel, like does this increase subscriber and viewer count? or is this another tactic of just asking for subscribers?
A call to action helps when there's only one (you're not pelting them with multiple things to do) and it's done in an effective, genuine way. If the call to action is on your end card scene, of course, you have to get your viewers that far to even see it. Try to get your retention rate to at least 50% by the end of the video by improving your intro hook and having engaging content that doesn't signal the end of the video before the 20 seconds. (like "in summary").

Don't always use like/'subscribe. transition into another related video and tell them to watch it. That will increase your session time and youtube will promote you more.
I personally don't think CTA actually achieve much. I've never subscribed or like a video just because of a CTA. And since practically everyone does a CTA, it just feels over-saturated and mechanical. I've made 15 videos so far and none of them have a CTA.
Most of my videos are without call to action. In my newer videos I started to do it, and I see a significant increase in subscribers. The content has also changed, but I am sure it helps. Just don't be obnoxious with it.
CTA is really for directing people FROM your youtube video to a business website where you are trying to sell them something, such as a course or product.