Did I Do A Good Job Editing This Video?????

not to bad, vid cuts were good. Audio was a little lacking and the three that different levels I picked out within the first 2 minutes was a little distracting.

I'm not a big fan of the language, could make the same points with out having to swear. But that is just my opinion.
The overall premise wasn't bad. I'm not really a fan of repeating shots. Like defaulting to Duck Hunt gameplay while talking, but that's a pretty big trend so I'm the odd man out in that scenario.

Overall the two things I think has room for improvement would be the general audio quality, it kinda jumps about and that change can be distracting, and your overall tone through recording. It sort of feels like you're reading from a script, monotone and occasional pauses mid sentence, but the swearing and quick jabs makes it sound like you were shooting for more of a rant which would of sounded better. What I would say is you need to get loose. Just go at it and rip into the subject or slow down and rationalize. Changing pace and tone.