I like your website. wordpress?Once you make a website, it really doesn't need much. The only think I do is add my videos to it as I make them.
I like your website. wordpress?
Well having a website in general gives your viewers a place to see updates and such from you. When I look at a famous YouTuber (or just anyone in general who makes music or videos), I first look to see if they have a website because having a website makes you look more serious and dedicated to your content and to your audience. People need a place to see where all you're available on the internet. Having a website can do just that. It gives you a place to set up a merch store (if you ever wanted to), your social media links, updates, what have you. Sure, if you're not gonna keep it up, I'd suggest just making it a website, instead of a blog, to still give people access to where you're available on the web.Im thinking of a building my own blog website not only to promote my videos etc.
What do you you guys think?