Other Craft DIY channel looking to collab


New Member
Hi there, I am the host of the youtube channel EzyCraft. My channel mainly focuses on cards, paper crafts and decor.

I am looking to establish a collaborative idea with another DIY crafter who is interested in making videos together, mentioning each other in collaboration, or featuring each other as much as possible in the channel. Hopefully, we can bring up the subscription and viewership in both channels.

I am based in Australia, but I welcome anyone who is up to collab by email or skype.

My channel is currently reaching 11K subs. My channel stats can be viewed from the channel EzyCraft.
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Hi, I am very interested but I am only just below 1k subscribers. So I have no idea if this would work out for you.
Nevertheless you could have a look at my workshop playlist to check if you like my content. I have done some collaboration videos before. If you are interested I can give you the direct links.
Currently I have some footage from refurbishing a bamboo soap dispenser that is waiting for me to edit it. This may fit your channel.
Hi im rosa i make DIY room decor videos and other DIY projects. I would love love LOVE to collab with you, however im a really small SMALL channel. But maybe we could work something out? if not i totally understand :)
I'd love to collaborate with you or any other crafting channel looking for a collaboration. I am currently at 110 subs but growing quickly enough. If you or anyone else here would be interested in a collaboration with me send me a message.
Hi EzyCraft! I have diy crafts channel on youtube (almost 40,000 subs) and also looking for collaboration. I think we can help each other. What do you think?
Hi EzyCraft! I'm a little below 1,000 subscribers and plan to interview YouTubers of all kinds. I'd love to interview you and just like a shout out to the interview video in return is all. There is a bit more info in my intro post (I can't post a link but you can just look at my profile instead). I'm also planning to promote my videos with paid Facebook advertising as well.