Copyright strike owner blackmailing me!


Last days I got a copyright strike from a guy then I sent a counter notification....but after that I talked to him yesterday, we talked amicably and my strike has been released :

After I received this emails :
-Good news!-------- has just released their copyright claim on your YouTube video.

This means your copyright strike has been resolved, unless ----- is still claiming other videos included in that strike.

-Also I received an E-mail contains that my counter notification has been accepted and we released your video...

Today he sent me a message said " I can terminate your channel if I don't take back the message I sent to youtube about that counter notification and hes is BLACKMAILING me for money"

My channel is in a good stand everything is good, I deleted his video....I want to know if the problem is solved with him or he can still do something about it!!
I don't know if it's just me, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what is going on in your post there?

So he sent you a message saying he will terminate your channel if... what exactly? Has he specifically asked for money?
Sorry I don't speak English well...Here is the thing, Before I spoke to him I sent a counter notification because im sure the video is not his, the video just contains a guy explains something is happening in my country, everybody uploads his videos, then this guy shows up and sent me a strike ONLY me (everybody uploads those videos without any problem) and im telling you i swear that the video is not his but he still sent me a strike i don't know how. (I could not reach the guy in the video to tell him about that.)

When I spoke to the striker amicably he released the strike, I got emails from youtube said that my strike is released and counter notification is accepted, channel is in a good stand now...but today he sent me a message says "I will take back the message I sent about that counter notification to youtube if you send me 20 dollars on paypal and your channel will be terminated"

Youtube accepted my counter notification, the claimer release the copyright strike, i'm afraid that he still can resend me a strike or terminate my channel!
eh... have you fixed your link in yttalk signature or he deleted your channel?

In those cases, I think that talking to others resolves problems. Maybe is a misunderstood?
If your channel is in otherwise good standing then you should be in the clear, sounds like he's just trying to get money out of you for nothing.
So he can't do anything about that accepted counter notification or resend it against me again or something!!

Glad I found you guys and this forum.
I think you can even pursue legal action over this. Not only is he misusing the DMCA system, but threatening for money is exploitation. Blackmail, like you said.
My country does not give a damn about these stuff on the internet, I just wanna know if he can resend a strike after releasing it or not...JUST wanna get rid of him..people in my country are the worst human being, if you are successful they will hate you and follow you until you are down...