Content or Quality?

Whats better for beginners?

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Moses Minchuk

Well-Known Member
If you see my latest video would it be considered more of content or quality? I can't tell. Please tell me what I can do to improve as well. Thanks for you time.
That's kind of a tricky question. The answer should really be "quality content".

In my opinion, quality is key. Someone may have a lot of videos(content), but if the content isn't quality and engaging to viewers, there is no reason for them to come back and watch more.
Before you can make quality videos there is a lot to learn. I am a beginning youtuber myself, and I spend most of my time learning. Learning, learning and learning. So that every video I make is significantly better than the one before it. I still have a long road to go. As I see it, it doesn't make sense trying to make a ton of mediocre content, because hardly anyone will watch it. The only way to get a solid channel is to engage your viewers. In order to do that you need to make something relatively unique and high quality. Once you have those first two things sorted out, it is time to start focusing on quantity. That being said, that is my way of doing things. There is nothing wrong with focusing on quantity because whatever you do, you will learn new things.

Btw, I don't really understand the three choices in the poll. I understand quality and quantity but I don't understand what content represents.
Btw, I don't really understand the three choices in the poll. I understand quality and quantity but I don't understand what content represents.
I agree, I wasn't sure what he meant by that either :)
I agree. I think maybe he meant "content" as being quantity?? :unsure:
Yeah but the choices of his poll are: Quantity, Quality and Content... So I think he must have meant content to represent something other than quantity, just don't know what. I agree with you that quality content is pretty much what the beginning youtuber should focus on.
Yeah but the choices of his poll are: Quantity, Quality and Content... So I think he must have meant content to represent something other than quantity, just don't know what. I agree with you that quality content is pretty much what the beginning youtuber should focus on.
Lol yeah, I caught that and edited my post ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1448211410,1448211336][/DOUBLEPOST]
Sorry, I saw a youtuber say focus more on content and not the quality.
I think they may have meant to focus on the quality of your content :)
I think it's best to get you're video out on time , and after awhile it will come to you, really stick to you're word on when a video comes out. Also its more important thats its fun and enjoyable than somthing that looks amazing is poorly done. Well thats what we try to do Idk if are able to do that but we are able to come out once a week