Content ID Claimed - Help!!!



Is there any way to submit a content ID Claim and make it automatic claim? there are thousand users will re-upload my or someone videos right after we publish. I used to see many channels and many songs they do this way.

Sorry for poor English but really need help.

Hope to hear from you.

You have to be eligble and then be approved to use the content ID system:
You have to be eligble and then be approved to use the content ID system:
In his case (YouTube's words, not mine) the best s/he can do is to submit DMCA takedown notifications to each of the videos that uploaded your content without permission from your side.
The automatic claim (and takedown if you set it this way) option is for ContentID users only.
they can only do it 3 times before their channel is banned .. make sure your reporting every video they copy and re-upload. notify other victims too so that they take the same action.. should be an easy problem to resolve