Content Creator or YouTuber?

Huh, never really considered it... I guess maybe YouTuber is full time, or maybe just an opinion, but I guess the term "Content Creator" is a bit more broad, so I guess I don't really know. Peace Out! ~ Column 1
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I hate the term "content creator" it makes my skin crawl, it's like hearing nails on a chalkboard!

YouTuber I don't mind so much but why don't we call people who watch the YouTubee??

I am a director! I have been a director professionally as a job since before YouTube existed and that's the title I'll always use![DOUBLEPOST=1499764427,1499754113][/DOUBLEPOST]
I really don't like the term "content creator," just because it, to me (and only to me, I don't care if anyone calls themselves that) is so non-specific and it sounds very much like I'd be a cog in a machine. "I create content" just sounds like I'm filling up boxes. To me, I'm a puppeteer who makes videos on YouTube. I know personal essayists on YouTube, and artists, and game players, and reviewers, and comedians, and slice-of-life documentarians, but I don't think of any of you as "content creators" as much as "artists."
I don't have exactly the same feelings but it's a term that to me, sounds like it was focused grouped by a bunch of Gen Ys ( those born 1980-95) to sound appealing to millennials (those born 96-2009)