Kaitlyn Moore

Well-Known Member
Hey all!

It's been a hot minute since I was last active around here college got me super busy. Anyways for some reason, youtube is disabling my comments section and I have no clue why. I tried changing the settings to "not for kids" hoping that would work but still nothing..
Is this channel comments in general, and could you link your channel so we can have a look at your content? Are any other features disabled?
I think you may be viewing the interface incorrectly. I am looking at one of your videos now, and I see "Post a public comment" with my channel's avatar in the section under your video description.
I think you may be viewing the interface incorrectly. I am looking at one of your videos now, and I see "Post a public comment" with my channel's avatar in the section under your video description.

It seems to depend on the video. I can comment on some of the older ones, but see ‘Comments are turned off’ on the newer ones.
It seems to depend on the video. I can comment on some of the older ones, but see ‘Comments are turned off’ on the newer ones.
Thanks for pointing that out; I only looked at one video because the way the OP worded her post, it looked as though the entire comments section had been disabled.
This happened with my channel, and changing my whole channel to 'not for Kids' instead of the video seemed to work
My question may be stupid but why are comments so important?? I actually frequently turn off the comments section in my videos just to get rid of spam and trolling...Is it really harmful for promoting??
My question may be stupid but why are comments so important?? I actually frequently turn off the comments section in my videos just to get rid of spam and trolling...Is it really harmful for promoting??
If you prompt people to write comments, then your average watch time may go up since they are staying on your video for longer
Ok, I am going to say it, I think it might be because some of your content looks very much like you are a very young girl & youtube is blocking your comments because you look like a minor. The perfect example is the Back to School video where you are dressed up & look like a kid.
Youtubeis blocking all comments on anything that looks like (especially) young girls. So maybe a re-branding is in order. Sucks but thats what it looks like it is.